Sunday, December 30, 2007
It's a miracle i'm even typing this thingy.
Miracles dun last long though, i'm stopping here.
Will post again when i'm alive.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
more work
but now that i've seen other ppl's presents i feel like mine is damn lousy. ok nvm, i'll make up for it some other festival.
For now i got loads of work to do. shit my supervisor say i need to work a lot a lot faster. ggxx.
havta try working on weekday nights le. my parents wun be happy liao. but no choice. oh well.
anyway, thanks to gen, ellen, yiting, zann and chin ee for the presents! and to gerard and kel and trish for the company too!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Anyway, hmm, kinda sian of my job le. keep feeling like i shldn't have taken up this job. damn not easy to do leh pls. went private estates today. knn the security tight like f***. cannot even get to the door do wat survey/interview? nvm i thought of a cunning plan. I'll write to the management of the estates to get them to write in to the homeowners to ask them go online to do. hope it works.
and TRISH YOU SIAO ARH???? You want to work till you die isit? I'm sure u take up 3 jobs at one shot and plan them so they dun clash. eh you'll be damn tired one pls. and u can't back out cuz of contract. omg wth.
And zann you go MOM for? sorry havn't been online tis few days. so nvr see ur post. but yah, happened that i wanted to go mom on sat but decided not to in the end. mayb i shld hav. i kinda out of supplies for my job liao. i ran out of cards to put at ppl's doors if they're not at home. pls lor, to actually run out of those, u can imagine how sian i am le. to be exact, i've gone to every house on my list le. but i've completed abt 20%. HOW FREAKING SIAN IS THAT?
Anyway, a few interesting things abt my job.
positive stuff:
Flexible hours. woot this part the best. i've been writing letters and playing diablo at home cuz of this. except weekend must work like crazy.
You get to see ppl from all walks of life. The ultra poor and the rich. I've alrdy seen the ultra rich so i dun need to see it again le. lol.
One of the units on my list is a lan shop. lol. haha omg. unit number 01-06. lan shop lor. wooh gonna tell my supervisor and see how.
Xun Yong thinks my job is damn freaking good cuz of this statistic.
Number of chiobus interviewed: 1
One only, out of like hundreds of houses. but xun yong still thinks it's a damn good deal. cuz the chiobu is single and our age.
Came upon this house which totally put a smile on my face which lasted almost the whole day. This woman insisted on inviting me into the house, offered me tang yuan cuz i visited on sat which was dong zhi, and gave me a yakult when i departed. ownage lah. excellent service award.
Job nature. The nature of this job is that you really can't do much on weekdays. So you end up having to piah like siao on weekends to try to cover up weekday quotas. 2 days cover 6 days work? crazy. i completely behind quota like crazy le.
Walk and walk and walk. I walked like siao into estates which i've nvr been to. cuz every block has like on average 1 person to interview. Walking through estates, climb up, climb down, knock till knuckle pain(some hses no doorbell one). Finally covered abt hundred plus hse le.
People ignore me. really. I've visited hundred plus. How many have i done? 40? ji hong leh. I can press doorbell when there're ppl at home and they wun open the door. Some open the door and dun even want to giv 2 mins. pls lor my survey is how short and i write how fast. And worse still nobody ever calls back from those cards i leave at their doors. pls lor. considering MOM is allowed to sue this ppl, i seriously want to suggest that MOM sue some ppl. fine them. make it headline news and it'll act as deterent sentencing. knn, now ppl see MOM also dun giv shit abt it.
Ok lah enuff angsting. wooh i can't wait for gen's present! er but i havn't finished her letter yet. oops. abit too busy.
yes and sc, play d2 soon leh. my druid and my pally invent space abit screwed up le. esp MY DRUID! needta transfer items to my storage acct. which is this lvl 12 druid. lol.
ok lah, i go settle some christmas gifts liao. bye!
oh and my parents are back, nvm bout that samsung charger.
and someone pls blog!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Crazy work rate!
cuz previously i completed 1 days work in 4 days. cuz of 4E outing, and meteor shower. then my supervisor abit disappointed. now i hav 3.7 out of 4 days of work completed(i worked on sunday, which doesn't count as a day). nearly on schedule le. wooh.
And meteor shower was not bad! actually quite good! yup cuz i saw the best meteor(commonly refered to as shooting star) of my life! It was this damn bright meteor which was burning BRIGHT BLUE! and it was so strong it actually shown through the clouds! lol whoever said overcast skies cannot watch meteors man. haha. anyway, my prayers were very well answered. It didn't rain the whole night, and the sky was clear for the majority of the night. The clouds kept clearing up! so yup.
Kinda saw less meteors this year than last year. abt 20 plus only. Less quantity, more quality though. but i suspect the lack of quantity is due to ecp's lighting. Changi is darker than ECP. er dun ask me why i chose ecp, shun cheng. I know it's not the best of locations, but it's the best location to attract more ppl to go. of which most ppl pangsehed me in the end, so i shld have chosen Changi/Ubin on hindsight.
Anyway, thanks to txy and jasper who came! Hope you guys enjoyed it. not a very strong showing by the heavens(could have been better, prolly cuz ecp bad lighting), but got qte good quality ones.
And now that i've done Geminids twice, i dun think i'll do that again in qte a while. Being the best meteor shower arnd, it's way too gd and therefore easy to watch. Wanna try the perseids as soon as i can, then mayb quadrantids and then lyrids. harder and harder to watch. but they shld all look the same. but i still want the experience nevertheless.
kk getting late le. 12.10am le. still got work tmr. so i zhao liao. bye.
P.S who got samsung charger? i need. cuz my parents lup the charger overseas. my hp no batt liao. one night overnight at ecp killed it qte badly.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
hello, and bye again!
i dunno where this is haha, some park near perth? my uncle brought us here.. i think it's some memorial to australian soldiers in the world wars.
this is ah, a red tingle tree, with hollow trunks, i think, from fire or something
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Geminids meteor shower
Saturday, December 08, 2007
MIP' 07
oh well, anyway, i was completely swamped for two days right after prom, and anyone trying to contact me would have had a hard time. WHY? cuz i was at MINDEF, in some classified area where they simply disallowed all forms of image capturing device. That includes camera phones. So i gave my phone to them for the first day, and just simply didn't bring it along for the second day. total of 21 missed calls and 6 smses to my phone. lol i didn't know i was so popular. haha. actually they were all mainly from MOM and my job agency one, to chase me to sign a contract for the job.
Anyway, on to the MIP. It stands for MINDEF Internship Programme. and it just ROCKS. yes, big time man. cuz it was actually more of a scholar recruitment drive than an internship. which is true. The head of infantry division said at the end of the programme that yes, they're trying very hard to get us to sign up for the SAF Overseas Scholarship, and that they make no secret out of it. pretty much explains why abt 65% of people there are from RJC, 30% of people there are from hwa chong, and 5% from other JCs. lol. so yup, and they did a great job. superb man. let me wow you all.
So the first day was abit sian to me, cuz i had to rush home from prom, arrived home at 3, throw everything down and went to slp. woke at 6, showered, and rushed off for boon lay mrt where i'm supposed to be there at 7.30. ended up there early, while a few RJ ppl were late(can tell y), so we had to wait. knn. shldn't have rushed. so after that, we boarded a bus which brought us to SAFTI(Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute). Basically, that's where OCS is located, and where most of the guys probably want to get into. so they gave us two coolio shirts, and a personalised MIP cap. then we sat in the ocs auditorium, where we watched a few of the army tv commercials, those that u sometimes see on tv one. some qte cool, some abit rubbish. then sat through 2 talks where it was damn funny, cuz some RJ guy(name withdrawn to protect identity) fell completely aslp, and then he SNORED! it was damn funny. and kinda embarrassing. actually i was aslp too, but i woke up because of that snore. then we had refreshments, sat through some Q and A, then went for lunch. where we ate the same food as the OCS cadets. not bad lah the food, except that they were damn overly sweetened. drink tasted like sugar water, and food was like the chef accidentally dropped a whole bag of sugar in. Met some seniors who were in OCS, as well as saw 1 girl. girl in ocs. in uniform. coolio, 1 more female officer coming up.
so after lunch, we headed off to 201 squadron, part of the air force. where it was raining damn heavily, so the trip became a bore where we would sit and wait for 30 mins a time, for them to come up with something. cuz their original plan was that they've already requested airspace and wanted to fly their F-16s for a scrambling demo and a live engagement demo. so we ended up seeing abit of their surface to air missiles, of which one of them, the RBS 70, is portable. means u can bring the missile anywhere to search for lz and shoot him down. cool right? till you hear what they mean by portable. to operate it requires three men. one, the gunner, the other 2, i forgot what they do. so to make it portable, the RBS 70 can be taken apar6t into 3 parts, each person carry one part. and... ... the weights are...
missile head and firing barrel - 26kg
stand - 24kg
other parts(decoder, firing trigger, laser etc) - 34kg
gd luck to anyone who becomes an RBS 70 crew. train hard. knn, 20 kg of rice i nearly cldn't lug it home le. those other shit will just kill me.
then, we headed off to tengah air base. anyway, the air force is damn cool. they have radar surveillance over singapore 24/7, and they monitor everything coming close to and into singapore, and check whether they are clear to fly in or out anot. they brought us to their head command operations headquarters, where it's like those u see in the movies, dark rooms and stuff. and there on the screen they have the ID of every plane in the vicinity of singapore. so while we were in there and explaining how they operate to us, i observed SIA 527 coming into sg and landing at changi, and SIA 928 taking off and leaving sg, many other planes around too, but too many for me to monitor. the air force monitors them all. and they have abt 8 anti air guns located around singapore to shoot planes down. wooh. I-HAWK(40 km max range(yay shoot msia)), Rapier(6.8 km max range), RBS 70(5km max range), Mistral(5 km max range), IGLA(5 km max range).
and now, to the dinner. It OWNS big time. like 10 times better than prom lah. catered from shangri-la hotel, we had lobster rice, scallops, mussels, chicken kebab, har kao, dumplings, many diff types of sushi, laksa, mutton, vegetables, many diff kinds of cakes, fruit punch, cocktail with slight bit of alcohol and more. i cannot rmb all le, got too much. and they were all damn gd. after that, a few of us, koped their lounge for kbox and pool. lol. and then when we left, they gave us a goodie bag, which had this glass thingy that's damn nice. shun cheng saw it when he came my house. damn rocking man. so after that they dismissed us at choa chu kang! wooh right beside my house! but MINDEF is fair apparently. one day in the west, so i die the next day. meet at tanah merah at 7am, dismiss at pasir ris at abt 10pm. ggxx.
ok so that was end of day 1, reached home fairly early at abt 9 and started to settle my MOM stuff. then went to slp. so yah, day 2 now.
I woke up damn early to get to stupid tanah merah at the other side of the island, where we were given more freebies upon arrival. we were given this navy cap, which i realised soon after that they were the exact same cap that the navy personnel wear. wooh so i'm kinda part of the navy, i hav part of their uniform now. lol. from tanah merah, we then headed for changi naval base. where we saw some navy tv commercials in their auditorium, including one new one which has not been released for public viewing yet. so yah, that one was abit, how shld i put it, corny and cool lah. watch out for it some time later. some building thingy. yup. after that, we had refreshments, which was better than prom as well. from 4 seasons hotel. wth, REFRESHMENTS better than PROM food? army budget goes to food man. we were right, xy. haha. after which we went on board the navy's newest formidable class frigate. yup, their newest and most powerful warship, with its stealth capabilities and anti-submarine, anti-surface and anti-air abilities. their weaponry on board are damn zai. they have 6 of them, and i sailed aboard one of them, which is kinda cool. when they sail out with that huge gun and missiles pointing, they signal a horn blast and the ships in the straits move aside. lol. basically, the navy has damn good life and damn gd food if u get posted on board the frigate. It's huge, it's spacious, they send their chefs to hotels to learn how to cook gd food, they have recreation rooms, and stuff. yah. and i came upon this door thingy that had this three letters on it. WTH . yup wth? i asked one of the navy personnel, and it turned out to be Water Tight Hatch. lol. ok cool short form.
so after that, we came back, and they served us lunch, which as expected, was catered by a hotel and better than prom food. four seasons hotel again, and rocks once again. after which, we left the navy. they also gave us some goodie bag. and then headed for the army. and they brought us to the commandos. which gave us the most exciting and enjoyable part of the whole programme. they took us to see their weaponry, as well as let us take a joy ride on their LSVs(light-strike vehicle).very cool experience, cuz their LSV, unlike a car, does not have a windscreen. so going at high speeds is damn shuang, when u really feel the wind on your face. And we saw their guns too. and rmb the AWP from counter strike? yup i picked up an AWMP sniper rifle, thinking it was damn cool. but freaking hell. It was damn heavy lah. yeah i'm strong enough to hold it, take aim, and fire. but holding it steady is a different story. lol. anyway, the scope is damn cool, everything becomes very clear. tried to pick up an even bigger sniper rifle and gged. cldn't even hold it up properly. omg i need to start training. so i picked up the SAR 21, the normal Singapore Assault Rifle which every soldier will be using, luckily, it turned out to be quite light. 5 kg only. that stupid sniper rifle must be like 15 kg lah.
so after that, we were brought to take a joy ride on the commandos RIBs(Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats), which is the best ride of my life man. and i can tell you smthing. RAIN HURTS. yes, rain is very very painful. cuz it started drizzling lightly, and then the RIB started choinging at abt 45 knots(80 km per hr). My eyes and face died lah. One friend of mine tio a nosebleed lor. The rain felt like very very sharp needles on your face. and there is a lot a lot of rain. so erm fag. anyway, the RIB is cool. they took us on manoevres where the boat was tilted at more than 45 degrees, and it didn't capsize. thankfully. lol. Fun and painful ride.
Went to visit the infantry after this, where we were given the chance to battle soldiers from the 3rd SIR(Singapore Infantry Regiment) in a skirmish using real SAR 21 rifles with blanks. And we WON! shit aren't we good? we have no training and we beat soldiers who have training! we are damn zai. I shall just don't mention that we were 28 guys vs 7 soldiers. woohoo. lol.
after the skirmish, where we were actually given more refreshments and a free shirt, we went to visit infantry's weaponry, where they showed us how they are trying to integrate technology onto every soldier as a 3rd gen saf thingy. they all have this handset(inspired by nokia, the engineer said, lol) which is connected to this tablet pc they carry, which marks their position with GPS, and they can do lotsa stuff on the comp. they also placed cams onto the SAR 21 rifles, so that the soldiers can see round corners without looking out. just have to stick the gun out and shoot. cool.
so after all those things, we went for dinner. which once again, was overly good. almost as good as first day's dinner, with pineapple rice, bbqed stingray, bbqed mutton, bbqed chicken wings, chicken kebab, and a super big buffet with lots of nice stuff. can't rmb them le, got too much also. haiyo, the food really dan good lah. wish we can get that for NS. lol. after dinner, we went into the auditorium for the end of the programme, to get our certs and badges. and it is here that i heard the best speech ever made in my life.
The head of infantry, BG(Brigadier General) Chan, gave us a very powerful speech. On why the SAF tries so hard to get us to sign up with the SAF. He said that the SAF is trying very hard to get us(those who went for the programme) to sign up with the SAF, and they make no secret about it. but why is that so? I'm not a tape recorder, so all i can is to give you is excerpts from the speech, which he made without a script. 佩服
"Why do we try so hard? Can anyone tell me why we try so hard?"
(on the saf getting people to join them)
"How confident are you that Singapore will still be here in 2050? How many of you are confident? Why are you confident? What if I tell you that i'm not confident that Singapore will be here in 2050?"
"If you do not know why Singapore will still be here in 2050, then you'll never know why we try so hard."
"There have been 7 countries in Southeast asia with similar racial composition as Singapore. 6 have been subsumed under the tide of history. The last one is relatively young, called Singapore. What makes you think it will not follow suit?"
"Why is a country's sovereignty so important? Why is the SAF important?"
"Why do you think Malaysia asked us to talk in the ICJ(International Court of Justice) over the Pedra Blanca issue? Because they are nice people? because of international laws? Or is it because they're scared of the SAF?"
"Let me tell you that international laws are useless, and countries will not talk, unless you have a strong deterrent force. Let me give you an example. Brunei had a dispute at this place called Mischief Reef, which was this oil patch in the middle of the ocean. A neighbour had claimed it to be theirs. The next morning, that particular neighbour moved their forces in. And brunei lost Mischief Reef. Just like that. Did the neighbour bring Brunei to the ICJ? Did they even asked to talk? No. They took it just like that. And Brunei couldn't do anything."
"Let me give you another example. Recently, a country discovered an oil field. A neighbour came, and said that half of it was theirs. They stared the country in the eyes, and the next day, that country lost half the oil field. Anyone knows what that country is? East Timor. Anyone brought them to ICJ? No."
"So do you really think Malaysia chose to talk to us at the ICJ because of international laws? Let me tell you, Malaysia brought us to the ICJ because they're scared of the us. The SAF. The army known as the best in the Southeast Asian region. Every day, 24/7, we have ships, surveillance radar, soldiers, watching over Pedra Blanca."
"But why can't we run to bigger countries for help? Why can't we be the 14th state of Malaysia? or the 39th province of Indonesia? or if you think those countries are not good enough, even better, the 51st state of the USA?
"Why is it that the SAF is already the best in the region, and yet we choose to continue to try to develop? Why is there a need to spend 1 third of the government budget, 5% of GDP on defence?"
"Because, if you want your identity, your sovereignty, your family to sleep peacefully at night, your loved ones to stay safe and sound, then you have to have a strong SAF. We are a small country, and to survive, we need a strong SAF."
"In history, it has always been that big countries will gobble up small nations. especially small nations surrounded by big countries. My mother said that in her lifetime, she has learned 4 national anthems. The British, the Japanese, the Malaysians, and Singapore's. Do we want to learn a 5th one? Do we want to be the 7th nation to be subsumed under the tide of history? The choice is up to you."
Ok those were smal excerpts which i can remember, word for word. The full speech is just PURE OWNAGE, ask any RJC guy who was there. gives a whole new perspective to serving NS. lol. so after that, we got our certs, they pinned our badges for us, we got more goodie bags, and then went home. pasir ris at 9.45, reach home at the other side of the island damn late le. but it was a fruitful day, and a great experience. so to sum up, some random things that can be taken away from this trip:
NS has heavy loads to carry man. if you dun wanna train your running, at least train your arm and back strength, you'll need it.
The SAF is damn cool, their weaponry is damn far ahead of malaysia at least. For example, we have 5 submarines, they just got one.
The SAF short forms can be quite cock.
WTH(Navy): Water tight hatch
OOTW(the SAF in general): Operations other than War
VSV(the commandos): Very Standard Vessel (lol)
I-HAWK(the air force, anti-air missile): Improved - Homing All the Way Killer (LOL)
The SAF gives a lot of freebies. I got 2 towels, 1 pair of sunglasses, 2 bottles, 1 pouch, 3 notebooks, 1 pencil case, 1 case of badges, 1 multi-purpose knife, 1 laser and torch, 1 glass globe and 1 bag. wooh.
ok that's all. I had a hell lot of fun and food, but now my fingers cannot take it liao. so that's all!
yong sheng
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?)
"How do I know he's mine?"
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?)
Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her
Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true...
How do you know he loves you?
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you need her?)
How do you know he's yours?
(How does she know that you really, really, truely-)
Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words in
Just for you? Ohhh!
He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!
He's your love
He's your love...
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
He loves you
(la la la la la la la la)
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
It's true
(la la la la la)
Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!
His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know!
He's your love...
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her
That's how you know...
(You got to show her you need her
Don't take the one you love for granted)
That's how you know...
(How do you know that you love her
That's how you know that you love her)
He's your love...
(It's not enough to take the one you love for granted)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
The End?
Actually i feel like, and hope that i was still taking my A levels. Partly because that means more time to study, and more imptly, i will have much more time to rest. I dunno about the rest of you, but i've been extremely busy and tired since the end of A levels. Let's map out what i've been doing since the end of a levels:
Thurs(22nd nov): End for me, cuz of h3 physics
Fri: Went back to school to find that the "make teachers' present" committe pangseh me. so spent 2 hrs digging papers, then went for interview
Sat: Mr chong's wedding!
Sun: I cleared up part of the study room, feel so accomplished!
Mon: Chalet
Tues: Chalet
Wed: Went shopping with xy, kel and occ
Thurs: Interview at MOM
Fri: Finished off my prom shopping
Sat(today): Cleared up abit more of my room and started writing belated notes for ppl.
Omg, freaking packed. And i still have a lot of things i havn't done, so i'm gonna skip my fren's bday celebration. haiyo, how i wish it was still the carefree life of pre-A's. I havn't even played any games except for after chalet on tues for abt 4 hrs. So much for shun cheng wanting to play like siao. 4 hrs in 9 days doesn't sound very siao to me. k i need a break to really reflect on this two years and emo abit like what most of you have already felt but i'm too busy to feel anything much yet.
So y not do smthing now that i'm done for the day and resting in front of the comp. yup.
Anyway, Achievements wise, i did like shit in my 2 yrs in RJC. RI was so much better. Science club propelled me to millions of trophies, while NPCC ensured my A for cca records. In comparison, i got nothing much in RJC. 2 '3rd's in 2 competitions. Also, my academic performance was shit compared to RI. My sports was also like shit compared to RI days. In shorter terms, my days in RJC were rubbish compared to RI. I wld rather just forget my RJC days and simply rmb my RI days.
But were my 2 yrs in 6N really that bad? Perhaps not. I have friends I never had in RI. A much wider circle of friends now that it includes girls. Friends from many places on the globe, friends whom i can depend upon much more than my RI frens. Friends who are pretty, handsome, nice, manly, caring, and the list goes on and on. Friends who will lend a hand.
And when u look back, it will not be the number of trophies you have won, or the results you've achieved, or the number of goals you scored. It'll be the time you spent with your friends, the happy times you shared, the number of friends who'll be there for you. And based on that, i'd say my jc life has been the best two years of my life. 6N and RJC has provided me with experiences and memories i've never had before.
So, to everyone who've made it possible, who've made my time in RJC this great, thank you.
For the fact that it's one of the first few times people ever celebrated my bday, for the lan outings which consisted of more than just dota, for the beautiful sceneries from odac, this two years were more than worth it.
The End?
yong sheng
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
6N love (:
Haha. Sigh thinking about 6N and all the memories we had together as a class makes me smile. I've had a hangover for my primary school class and CCA for ages and ages, and I suspect I'll have the same about 6N. I'm glad, and lucky, to be in 6N. There was very little (if at all!) hostility and hostile competition, we all helped each other...sigh. I'm going to miss you all! So hopefully we'll keep in touch (:
Like what Mr Lai said last year (or er um I'll paraphrase =D), you'll know you were a close class that kept in touch if a few years later down the road, you find wedding invites from your exclassmates in your mailbox. Remember to send your invites to me! =D Haha. God-willing I'll come, unless I'm not available or something.
I love 6N! And I'll miss having classes and lectures and all =( Thanks so much to everyone, especially Gen and Chinny, for making these two years in 6N some of the most memorable years of my life! Thanks for the memories.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Chalet Chalet Chalet!
to those who came - you've made your money worth
to those who never came - thanks for your generosity.
yupp. It was very fun knowing all of ya, all the memories and stuff.. crazy things we do.. thanks for being so supportive and enthu for alot of stuff..
really... nth can express. but hopefully as we watch the video or pic slideshow.. it'll bring back wonderful memories! (:
gen and i will continue to organise outings and stuff. well you've got to love pasir ris! hee..
whee.. (: take care everybody! see ya at prom!
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The Music Anywhere value-added service is available to all StarHub Mobile post-paid subscribers at a monthly flat fee, and allows users access to their entire digital media collection stored in their home PC from mobile phone. Media is streamed wirelessly via StarHub's advanced 3G or HSPA network, and all users need is a 3G or HSPA supported mobile phone and a broadband connection for the home PC.
"With the ability to access up to 25,000 songs and any number of photos and podcasts, the mobile phone instantly becomes a powerful media player with virtually unlimited capacity. The intuitive interface and built-in search capability allow easy navigation through large music libraries, while the music download capability allows users to transfer their music from their PC to their phone for offline listening. When coupled with a pair of stereo Bluetooth earphones, Music Anywhere becomes the must-have service for all music lovers!" said Mr Anil Nihalani, Vice President, Mobile Services, StarHub. "The best part is that streaming your music to your phone through Music Anywhere does not incur any ongoing data usage charges. We are confident that music lovers will be delighted with StarHub's deterministic, peace-of-mind pricing for our mobile data products."
Users can sign up for Music Anywhere with an SMS
Upon successful sign-up, users will receive two SMSes that allow them to install the mobile phone client, as well as the Web URL to download the PC software. Once both components have been properly installed, a simple one-time set-up process is all that is needed in order to start using the service.
Music Anywhere is normally priced at a monthly subscription fee of $10.70 for up to 88 hours of use. Each additional hour is charged at $0.535 but the total price is capped at $16.05. No additional data charges will be incurred for the use of the service.
At launch, customers will enjoy a one-month free trial of Music Anywhere. Those who subscribe to Music Anywhere will also enjoy an unlimited number of hours for the flat monthly fee of $10.70 until 31 March 2008.
For more information, go to
Saturday, November 24, 2007
random stuff
ok so firstly, i just realised jay chou wrote a song back in 2002 for warcraft III: reign of chaos! isn't that so cool? ok i know i'm 5 yrs slow, but still it's damn cool! yah the song is called 半兽人. (ban shou ren) It means orcs. The music video for it has a lot of scenes from warcraft III: reign of chaos. so those who dun play the campaigns can see the scenes from the music video. lol.
ok next thing is ur a level papers. whoever wants ur chem paper 1 back can ask from me. cuz i went sch on friday, only to realise that the make teacher present committee pangseh me. so i go sch to find nobody in sch. so guess what i did?
I spent 2 hours searching through the whole mess that is our a level papers. and i managed to find some of our class papers! wooh don't u all think i rock?
ok basically i hav the papers of ppl frm index number 14 and above. yup. come collect frm me during chalet or i use for barbeque fuel.
and now, smthing impt to me else i qte gg. everyone in class except jameson and shun cheng owes me $6.70. for mr chong's wedding present. yah. i wanted to collect at the chapel but 3 ppl i asked all dun want pay me. so i collect during chalet. SO BRING MONEY TO CHALET! else i hunt u like a bounty hunter. yes that's so much worse than a loanshark, trust me.
and last thing, lets go lanning after chalet! yup yup! either go dhoby ghaut or go home.
yong sheng
Monday, November 19, 2007
starhub maxonline
MaxOnline Express Subscribers To Get A Higher Download Speed at No Additional Cost
--Subscribers will soon be able to enjoy always-on, unlimited broadband access to the Internet at up to 8Mbps--
StarHub today announced that from 1 January 2008, customers on the MaxOnline Express subscription plan will be able to connect to the Internet at a higher download speed of up to 8Mbps. Currently, this plan provides a broadband speed of up to 6Mbps for downloading.
The speed boost will come at no additional charge to MaxOnline Express customers. MaxOnline Express is priced at S$56 (S$59.92 with GST) monthly.
To benefit from this upcoming enhancement, MaxOnline Express customers need to simply reset the cable modem by turning the electrical power source off and on from the effective date to enjoy the improved online experience instantly.
StarHub's MaxOnline range of post-paid broadband plans are packaged to meet the different bandwidth requirements of residential users who surf the Internet regularly. For occasional or light Internet users, StarHub also offers two MaxOnline pre-paid services. As at 30 September 2007, there are 338,000 households on the MaxOnline service.
More exciting MaxOnline offers for new sign-ups and recontracts can be expected at Sitex 2007. Visit StarHub's booth at 6D01 (Hall 6) from 29 November to 2 December 2007 to find out more!
For more information on StarHub, visit
Friday, November 16, 2007
1 for $13, 2 for $6
so after i chose smthing for him, we went to ask the shopkeeper wat price the other was. and she asked us to take another piece, cuz it'll be cheaper. and it really is cheaper, in a damn screwed up way. 1 for $13, 2 for $6. wth.
ok now to more pertinent topics.
Who:Anyone who wants to go
What: Lan games(DotA, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires III, Warcraft III: TFT standard game)
When: Next Tuesday, after physics paper 1
Where: Dhoby Ghaut, paradise(it's spelled like that right?)
Why: To celebrate end of A levels and relax. Also serves to screw up the h3 chem and physics ppl.
How: It's simple. After physics, we go lockers and discuss physics qns as usual. that will serve as a meeting point. then we all go eat an early lunch(j8? S11? dhoby?), change up, take mrt to dhoby ghaut, walk to paradise and go in and play. easy easy.
Prerequisites: Bring ur cvs! yes, let me highlight it again. BRING CIVILIAN CLOTHING! yeah despite numerous warnings, some ppl will still screw up and don't bring one. then hav to depend on lp again. cuz i'm not bringing extras anymore. i still hav two shirts wif other ppl, who still havn't returned me. i'm not expecting to get them back alrdy. so yah, it doesn't pay to be nice. lol.
ok abt it. yup. and erm jameson u rock. haha.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
nearly over!
not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring.
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
the crownless again shall be king.
some more interesting stuff
i suppose u all know who mr shah is right? yup. HE'S GONNA APPEAR IN "DEAL OR NO DEAL" SOON! er yah. he finished filming like qte some time ago. some odac person told me like damn long ago, so i forgot the exact date le. but just stay tuned. 21st nov and 22nd nov night. if u wanna see him. can't confirm exact date cuz the j1 odacians r in vietnam for their eoy expedition. will be there for 3 weeks, so lucky!
and i read this in the news some time ago. somehow rmbed it so i thought i wld share it! cuz it's qte funny. it's abt ridiculous british laws. yah these are actual laws, no joke.
1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament. (wtf?)
2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down (ok...)
3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (WTF?!?!)
4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day (ok nothing much)
5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter (cool)
6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (WTH?!?!)
7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen (wat shit man)
8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (er lol)
9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour (lol)
10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (!!!!!!!)
I had a good laugh reading them. hope u enjoyed the crappiness of britain too!
yong sheng
cool colour changing car
Bored with the white, wanna change the color of the car to classic black? No sweat, just flick a switch and…voila! The color has gone from white to black. It's not some sci-fi stuff that I'm dishing out, but its something Nissan has been working on for a while. They have developed a "paramagnetic" paint coating, which is a unique polymer layer that features iron oxide particles that are applied to the vehicle's body. When an electric current is applied to the polymer layer, the human eye then interprets the crystals in the polymer as different colors. Depending on the level of current and the spacing of the crystals, a wide range of colors can be selected by the driver. A steady current is needed to maintain the color effect, thus the paramagnetic paint doesn't work when the vehicle is turned off and hence the vehicle switches back to a default white color.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Econs Case Study
1) Apply the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns to Economics.
-> Fixed factor: Time for paper (2h15min) Variable factors: Time spent mugging, amount of effort put in.
-> As more variable factors are applied to A level Econs paper, they inevitably experience a deficit in time, and there is a bottleneck, resulting in squeezing of scarce resources (time). Output and quality of answers increase less than proportionately as more variable factors are added.
-> There is diminishing marginal returns.
-> In the long run, Econs A levels will be over, and anyone who wishes to do practice econs papers will experience no lack of time, as the factor is now variable.
2) Explain, with reference to the motives of firms, why not all firms pursue a profit-maximising objective.
-> Example: West United FC increased prices from $1.20 /hr to $2/hr. This is a highly prohibitive price, and is hardly competitive. Yet the market structure for such shops is monopolistic competition, due to (blah blah...)
-> the PED is relatively inelastic, but it is insufficient to explain the price hike.
-> Conclude: the firm does not really wish to maximise profits. Once the startup cost is covered, the owners of the firm are only interested in having revenue cover AVC, for the daily operation of the shop. The other objective of the owners is to have a quiet shop and lots of space to engage in cyberslacking in a virtual world. Rawr.
-> Reason why they don't just set up a small shop in the first place, with only 10 computers (for e.g.) is due to the need to exploit Economies of Scale. Such a small shop is unlikely to attract customers, who frequently patronise such shops usually in large groups.
-> Reason why they choose to set up this type of shop. Beyond the high startup cost, running of the shop requires minimum effort and allows much time for other activities.
etc etc.
Monday, November 12, 2007
econs trivia
• Singapore is the hard disk drive capital of the world with more than 30% of the world’s HDD output, and we put out more than 55% of the world’s HDD for computer servers. Seagate has also put its Factory of the Future and future R&D of its U-series HDD in Singapore
• In the semiconductor space, Singapore is a leading semiconductor wafer fabrication location in the world with 14 operating fabs.
• Singapore is the 3rd largest refining centre in the world, after Rotterdam and Houston. We leverage on our huge hydrocarbon base to produce key aromatic feedstocks to the petrochemicals and specialty chemicals sectors.
• Singapore is the largest manufacturer of Jack-up Oil Rigs in the world, with Keppel FELS producing 60% of global output since 1996. It is also the 2nd largest Aviation maintenance repair and overhaul centre in Asia. Singapore is the largest liquidfied natural gas (LNG) vessel repairer in Asia outside of Japan.
~omg i dint know we were so imba loll
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Raidin Stormwind
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
imba activity
ok so that means we get to see chin ee in sch next week! woohoo! Noobhost is back, and abt to own(assuming he doesn't pp again).
and thought this might be too long for the tagboard, so i'm posting this here kel. for the statues, it's some nerzhul thing. they seem very familiar to me, but then again, i cld hav mixed things up wif LOTR. my mind's not very clear these days. oh and of cuz World of Warcraft has better graphics than Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, cuz wc3 was nvr really meant to hav outstanding graphics. blizzard long surpassed themselves wif diablo le. they were concentrating more on gameplay wif wc3. of which they cldn't match up to their own starcraft either so oh well.
cool got sudden inflow of WoW content here. oh rard, i dun really like the Wrath of the Lich King trailer. the black temple one is nice though, even though if u played wc3's campaigns u wld hav known the whole storyline, more than wat was covered in the trailer.
and yah, y am i here? i'm supposed to be studying for econs. so i shld end here. and erm since i love this poem too much, i'll drag it back up from it's languishing spot halfway down the blog.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring.
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
the crownless again shall be king.
And before i end, given chinny's cool once-in-a-lifetime adventure in the hospital(take A-levels in hospital leh), do u think he can qualify for an advertisement? mayb smthing like this.
Tweety bird balloon ... ~$8
Transportation to and fro hospital for chinny and friends ... ~$30
Comforting hospital ward with professional nurses and cool hospital food ... ~$5000
Trish's presents of love
.......................................................... PRICELESS
There are some things money can't buy, but for everything else there's MASTERCARD.
yong sheng
(Disclaimer: The prices listed above are NOT the true prices(i'm not very sure of the true prices), which is why they are all preceded by the tilda sign '~'. so pls dun sue me for misinformation, i got no money)
P.S Liverpool 8-0 Besiktas !! champs league record leh. woohoo. and er chin ee, 6 cans of 100 plus cld hav been so cool. haha. but i guess ur stomach will just die. so drip more practical. ok i shld really go. bye bye.
Frogs Eat Mosquitoes
So I was warded to East Shore Hospital, somewhere near kembangan, okie. But it all started when on Thursday night.. when I had diarrhea 10 times in the night and vomited 3 times. It was then I decided I had to go to hospital. So okie. I woke up in the morning, told the school that I would be warded and happily went to hospital thinking it was just some disease that would be cured in one day not knowing what I had to face..
When I was there, I was greeted by friendly nurses and receptionists. Took my blood pressure, which let me feel quite muscular and had my temperature taken. Then went to see some doctor first.. then he ask me lie down, press my stomach here and there then tell me I would be warded to get observed for the next few days. Okie. Then, he said need to take my blood and get me on drip. Yes. On drip. ON DRIP!?! Ya la drip la. I din think much of it. Not knowing what to expect.
So blood test. Like the usual army ones.. like ant bite, then okie le. Then the drip came. Nurse ask me not to look. Ya. So weird la. Ask me dun look of course I sure look. Haha. Ya so I took a look. And er. The needle quite big de. According to weisong 2.2 something. Should be mm rite. Lol. Can’t be cm or inches. Lolz. Radius or diameter I dunno. Okie. Then in it went. Okie la. Just more pain. Abit more, then abit more then soon it became numb. Okie. So I went with the drip to the ward. 4371 AND 4372. okie got 2 numbers cos they are the same room. 2 beds converted into 1 single ward. Yup. So the ward very spacious. Okie. It was about 730 am them. Just about the time you all worrying about the MATHS PAPER 1. yeah. All these while my mum was talking to the sch people trying to arrange for me to take the paper in sch in the afternoon cos I had to drip 2 packets before I was considered stable to take exam. Cool rite.
So I lay around, felt very uncomfortable with the drip.. cos it was irritating. Like an ant crawling on my hand. Hahaha. Yea. So my assigned doctor came. And he also did the same. Check my stomach, press press, asked “ boy pain?” haha then I said a bit la. then the doctor ask what I eat, and what I did, where did I go the previous days. Then he concluded: “ you might have dengue.” So phew, I thought, “might only” okie. Then my mum told me I could take exam later at about 2. Then was quite happy. So I waited.
Then some rjc maths teacher came. Ms koo I think. Yup. the one who uses effectively quite effectively de hee. Yup. she’s very nice though. She came at 9am like dat to just watch me. To make sure I din have contact with the outside world. I had to off my phone too. So I did. I very guai one lor. Okie. So I waited waited. then soon it was 1 pm. The nurse came in to check if the drips were okie. Then I requested to take the drip off my hand when I take the exam, a move which I regretted later. Lolz.
Okie so I took my exam, in some activities room, quite big and spacious, dun have pic here, forgot to take. Yup. then I came out and whooo! Saw the following people below.
Then talked talked talked. Really thankful that they came. Yup. brightens up my day.

Thanks for all the people who msggeed me! Sure did make me recover fast fast! Yup! so okie. After they left, I was given 2 choice:
1) Get back on drip or…
2) Drink 6 cans of 100 plus in 1 night
Guess what I chose, the drip.
Lolz. Cos my stomach couldn’t take 6 cans. I would vomit before anything goes in. so yup. drip. Okie this time I requested for the staff nurse, Rita. She’s quite pro in this. Of course la. that’s y I ask her make for me. So she poke my hand again. 1st time, when the needle went in, I tensed up! Why did I have to do that!? Then she pulled the needle out and said: I’m afraid I have to find another place to poke again cos I tensed up and got backflow, so cannot. So 2nd time, I braced myself, and okie finally okie.. actually it’s the suspense that kills.. lolz. So I got poked by the BIG needle 3 times. Lolz. When actually only 1 is needed if ya hospitalized. All thanks to my decision of removing it, when I could have chosen to just add a connector to it and free myself from the tube but the needle looking thing still there.
Okie so got 3 holes on my hand: only 2 shown on the pic below cos the last one haven removed yet.

Okie so the whole drip looks like this:

On my hand:

And with just the connecting valve looks like this:

And the drip was some sodium thing, some salt I think to replenish my body fluids cos I can’t eat much or drink much cos I’ll vomit. Yup. so yup had to go on drip.
The drip packet looks like: not very clear cos my hand was shaking, was in a weird position. Yea.

Okie. I was on drip rate 125ml per dunno how many seconds or something. Yup hahaha!
Okies. So yup. more stories!
When changing the drip packet, when they nvr change properly, here’s what will happen: the blood will flow back and clot.

Okie so now I’m presented with 2 scenarios:
1) the blood clot in the long tube and I just have to change the tube.
2) The blood in the inner tube clot, and I have to relocate another position on my hand. Meaning have to get another needle in.
Okie so lady luck was shining.. i got scenario 1. so they just changed the tube and inject some liquid in. something like the picture below.

Yupp.. so it was quite scary, cos apparently some intern nurse was changing the drip packet for me. So got backflow. Haiz suay. So yup. then Nurse Zahara, some pro nurse help me changed the tube. Yupp

Okies. Anyway the food was not bad. Cos my aunt worked there.. then I could order fish and chips, chicken chop, lamb chop, hee. And hor fun, ee mian, roast duck, etc, lol.. yea..
Okie but I din get to eat those. I survived on FISH MEE SUAH! Hahaha! Pic shown below!

Anyway, the view on from my bed of the room is er. Construction site la. so ya and some condos. So ya.

But okie la. I wasn’t allowed to move about too much. okie. Some facts about dengue. If you have dengue: your platelets will drop. When I was warded, my platelets were already low, 104. ( all platelet numbers are in terms of 1000 ) normal range is 140 to 460. yup. so second day 89. third day 93, fourth day 121, fifth day 134.
Yup then I was discharged. Anyway, if below a certain number, have to drip blood in. yup. scary!
Haha. A pic of my ward

And the nurse’s reception table: why is my heading frogs eat mosquito. Its because I ate some secret remedy: 3 frogs with 5 small bittergourd (not the usual ones). Basically, behead the frog, clean of its intestines and erm cut the bittergourd, throw away the inside and let the frog’s juice drip on the bittergourd while steaming. No water used. Okie. I might not be describing correctly. Cos my grandma cook for me de. Its some thing to treat dengue. Yupp. I think very effective cos my platelets shot up a lot! So I came up with this theory: frogs eat mosquitoes. Which they do rite! Haha. Okie.
From the department of statistics:
My stay in hospital…
6 days in Hospital (2nd to 7th Nov 2007)
3 A level papers
3 BIG Jabs
6 jabs for blood test
11 tubes of blood
30 packets of drip fluid
80 plus tablets altogether
30 plus trips to the toilet
3 games of pool on ESPN
1 funny show on HBO
1 bottle plus of nice barley! (:
1 bottle of ju hua (:
1 nice nice get well card (:(:
1 nice nice get well board (:(:
1 get well basket of goodies (:(:(:
1 get well soon BALLOOOON (:(:(:
MR CHEONG AND MR CHONG!!! (:(:(:(:(:
Kelvin,gerard,yongsheng,gen,ellen,yiting,zann,trish's precious Visitssssss! (: ^X
at the cost of
~5000 SGD.. ):
Unforgettable, truly memorable.