and odac chose the bitterest method, by embarking on a 12-13 day journey to victoria, australia to learn more about nature. And i must say, it has been fruitful and fabulous. absolutely great.
The title of our expedition is the title of this post. yup, it's printed on our expedition shirt too! haha

Yup, and that's the back of our shirt. Anyway, having delayed blogging bout my exped for like a month, i finally started! whee!
so yeah, on the 17th of nov, odac met up at the airport at 12, really early considering the flight is at like 3.30. And a lot of ppl were at the airport sending ppl off, cuz there were 3 trips going off around that time. One to cambodia(dunno who went), one to laos(jameson and the canoeists) and one to australia. spent an hour slacking arnd, then checked in at 1. got my flight seat, which was 25G, then went to check wif the rest of the guys for their seat numbers.
"What's ur seat number?"
"44B, wats urs?"
"25G, qte far frm u."
"25? are u sure?"
"yah" (shows him my boarding pass)
"qte funny leh, all the guys hav 40 plus numbers one. aiya nvm lah, u'll enjoy ur flight."(gives me a screwed up smile)
"huh? y? i'm like sitting like so far frm everyone."
"no, not frm everyone."
"huh? then?"
"the girls are sitting at 20 plus."
What the hell. ended up wif like 7 girls arnd me. apparently they put same surnames ppl together, and there are 4 'ng's in my grp. gina ng, kelly ng, ng xinying, ng yong sheng. And apparently, i'm the only guy. diao. so i ended up among all the girls. the other 4 girls, i dunno how they ended up arnd there as well. go ask emirates.
And emirates has damn nice food onboard lah. as in the main dish. their salad sucks like siao, but their main dish damn good lah. had some prawn thingy. which was nice, and then had some beef sandwich, which was hard but tasty. and for those who are fantasizing abt my plane journey, let me tell u that it's damn boring without any boys to talk to k.

So landed at melbourne airport at arnd 2 am. met up wif the latrobe university ppl, brendan munge and peter martins(above, with our teacher in the middle, brendan on the left and peter on the right). loaded our backpacks into a trailer, then set off for the university in bendigo, victoria. the roads were totally quiet with no vehicles. made a pit stop at arnd 3.05 am, for an airsick friend, Thomas. He had been vomitting since the plane trip till now.that was when i realised that their night is really really cold, and their night sky is really really shen. the faint stars of constellations all cld be seen lah. damn zai. but cldn't look too long, cuz it was damn cold, so ran back onto the bus and slept. Arrived at the ironbark center in latrobe uni at arnd 4.25 am. settled down, put our stuff into our rms, then slept at arnd 5 am.
Woke up at 9am. but i had hardly slept, cuz i cldn't slp cuz it was so cold! so we went off shopping to stock up supplies at a nearby supermarket called iga(independant grocers of australia). Had lunch at macs, which was slightly different from singapore. Then we returned back to the ironbark center(named that cuz of the trees arnd it, ironbark trees).

Yep, the pic on top shows the ironbark center, the pic to the top right is some signboard, and the pic here is wat we did as we prepared to set off.
yup, after we came back to the ironbark center, we loaded the canoes onto another trailer, as seen on the right. Then we headed off for Echuca.
Took a long time to reach Echuca , of which by that time, it was alrdy dark. On the way, we passed the Victoria border into New South Wales, and passed by Maoma, where i saw a horse carriage. lol dunno wat a horse carriage is still doing there in such a modern day society. Stopped at Echuca town for a toilet break, and had a bit of fun at the playground there. At that was when i realised that Australia has damn a lot of flies. Just sitting on the grass there attracted like 2-3 flies coming to buzz arnd me lah. Everyone cldn't stand the flies and went back on the bus.
Arrived at Echuca, Murray River, near night time. but in australia, the sun sets damn late. so we still caught the last bit of the sunset! yup the pic on the left. We set up the tents and unloaded the canoes quickly. Was going to get water with one of the australian guides when we discovered a really rare sight. A baby Tawny Frogmouth owl was sitting on the floor beside a tree. That species of owl is very rare to see. It's a type of owl that feeds on insects. Being a baby, it must have tried to fly, but unfortunately fell down the tree to where it was. Cute, u can actually go up to it and touch it. Wanted to find its nest and put it back, but cldn't find the nest.
yup the pic of the owl is on the right. Anw, went off for dinner after that. Had pasta with tomato puree and other stuff. The dinner was ok. I tot it was great until i saw what we cooked for the other days. haha. Went to sleep after that, arnd mayb 11 or smthing? It was getting cold again.
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