Thursday, April 19, 2007

Saga of 6Nations Bonus Story - A Beautiful Day

20th April is Chin Ee's birthday. And since I'll be arriving home to late to post, I shall post my birthday wishes right now. And also because he asked for it =)

A Beautiful Day
Distant lightning flashed, as darkly ominous storm clouds shrouded the sky. It had been so for the past few days, all light and joy perpetually suppressed by the presence of the black storm clouds. Such unnatural weather did not bode well, the people said. This weather was ill-omened, a sign of coming disaster, they said.

Cheney tasted the scent of ozone in the air as he alighted from his bus, and felt the weight of the storm that refused to break press ever more heavily upon him as he sank down into a seat, exhausted from a day’s work. The entire street was quiet, the residents all affected by the depressing mood. This weather sucks, Cheney thought. He tried typing –weather off. It did not work. He tried railing at the gods. Other than getting singed by a lightning bolt, nothing else happened. He sighed.

Footsteps, light and dainty, suddenly sounded along the corridor. A petite figure rounded the corner, and suddenly, there was Treesha. It seemed as if the whole corridor had suddenly lit up. Treesha smiled uncertainly, and awkwardly, words came tripping out of her mouth.

“Chen…Cheney, I just want to wish you a very happy birthday,” Treesha smiled again, a brief, flashing smile that left Cheney breathless, and skipped off. Outside, the first raindrops were just beginning to patter on the ground. It was a beautiful day.

Chin Ee, happy birthday. On your birthday, no matter the weather, it will always be a beautiful day. No matter how dark the road may seem, there will always be friends (and bus headlights) to light your way.
This birthday writing service can be rendered at pleasure on all birthdays and special occasions. Just inform me, and who you wish to be paired up with. Chin Ee didn't inform me, because needless to say, his wish is plain to all =)
-the Postman
(This is a computer generated post. No signatures are necessary.
This is a complimentary post and free of charge. No stamps are necessary.)

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