Have I ever mentioned just how beautiful rain is? Not just any rain, but the truly magnificent ones that occasionally sweep the landscape of Singapore. There’s a difference. Truly intense rainstorms are rare, and they generally last for a few precious moments before subsiding in intensity again. But those few moments, those exquisite moments of beauty, are enough.
The next time it starts raining, look for those fleeting moments when the rain increases in intensity, such that all you hear, is just the pattering of raindrops echoing within your ears, a rhythm that permeates into your very being. It is then that you open the tightly shut windows, and behold one of the most beautiful sights to be seen in Singapore.
Imagine the cool, refreshing breeze gently sweeping across your face. Imagine – looking over the vast expanse, surrounded by the curtain of raindrops, soothing with its continuous, rhythmic motion.
Open your heart. Take off your spectacles, if you have them, to better see its beauty. Storms are not meant to be viewed with clarity. See the buildings, the trees in the distance, shrouded in fine mist – and that, is when you capture the true beauty of the storm. The tall, grey buildings, the concrete jungle – they fade, blurred into the canvas of the landscape. Look carefully, and true beauty emerges. The beauty of a breathtaking, pristine valley, covered with fresh greenery. The beauty of tall mountains, gently sweeping in all their glory.
(1) Breathe in the scent of freshly cut grass, feel the refreshing breeze upon your face, and know that you’re no longer in Singapore, but in this vast expanse of pure, untouched masterpiece of Mother Nature.
These words do no justice.
Call it fantasy. Call it escapism
.(3) It’s the breath of fresh air that we all need, the refreshing wonder that we sometimes all need to rediscover in our lives, and know, deep within our hearts, how beautiful life can truly be
.(4) This refreshing breath of fresh air – catch it before it’s over.
(1)This depends on whether you’re viewing everything from the top of a HDB building, or on the pavement while being surrounded by tall HDB buildings. You can imagine wide, open fields too. It’s up to your imagination.
(2)And I have H3 Physics Prelims to mug for, so I’ve no time to polish or expand upon this.
(3)Refer to my GP essay on fantasy reading and escapism.
(4)In other words, it’s therapeutic.
(5)Because true beauty is rare.