Saturday, April 26, 2008

welcome to the suck

Kelvin, stop b!tching, everyone's getting the same shit in sispec.
ESC, sucks to be you.

There's so many things i hate about outfield. I can't decide between the cammo, mosquitos or filth. This week we did a 3day fieldcamp immediately followed by jungle navigation. Alas, as the chieftain of the wherethefuckarewe tribe(pronounced where the !fuck! are we?) I was unable to lead my clansmen out of the wilderness.

We reached another checkpoint ~100m from our own at 2230hrs. I comm'ed back and was told to return as they're terminating the ex soon. We got back at 2330hrs. The enchik say 'walau its so close lei, neh here(points to map) only you search up and down the stream can le, now go back and try harder'. Its now 2345. We went back in in search of the A4 sized checkpoint marker 1.2clicks away through primary forestation. After bashing through for 2clicks we're totally lost. I decided to head for the highway we've been walking parallel to to reference our location. Ok so the road runs straight east-west without any significant features. Time 0030. Only 6 of the 30 tribes remain, the rest have been evacauted to civilization. By now the short flexible antenna is giving us very bad reception, my seconday comm set had better signal, that being the SE W950i. Changing to the 3m 5 section aerial allowed clearer transmissions but severely limited mobility especially in the vegetation. Permission not granted to cut exercise. By executive decision I turned my team back along the highway and setup camp 50m from base. We stayed perfectly still and silent as vehicles and other returning teams passed within 10m of our position. The advantage of not being able to see beyond 5m is that nothing beyond 5m can see you. Our hearing has never been clearer. Finally at 0130 we're recalled along with the other 2 remaining teams. Being the last to go back meant that its our duty to pack up the command post. We got back to camp at 0230, spent the next 1.5hrs cleaning up not only our own equipment but the command truck as well.

I reached home at 0430 and took 30min to prepare my documents. Revellie 0700 for award ceremony at SYFC where they p!n the aviator's wings on your jacket and say good job now join the airforce. I told them to foxtrot oscar. Ok I didn't. The photo-taking and hand-shaking did not end until 1030. My dad also hor lan in west camp before picking me up. Reached NUS Bt Timah at 1105 just in time for the law interview at 1115. Now comes the classic part. I fell asleep in the waiting area! The assoc. prof. had to come out to find me. He spent the next 30min asking all sorts of current affairs questions. My mind was totally blank, I tried very hard to think of something but all that pop up are bazookas, enchiks and pushups. Somewhere along the interview I mentioned a quote from my enchik, 'do you smell something chaotar? your weekend is burning.'

So I'll probably not get accepted by law, but its my 2nd choice anyway. Curiously, I saw this article on MSN. Here are some extracts from the article.

#1 putting off college for a year in favor of some much-needed downtime

#2 A growing number of high school seniors are balking at riding the academic conveyer belt from preschool all the way to university. They’re burnt out.

#3 they want to explore a few interests before deciding what to study in college

#4 Taking a gap year can actually make kids more focused and ready for the rigors of academic life.

Now consider how MINDEF provided us with the perfect gap-year enrichment.

#1 Regimentation will very much relax our stress nerves so that we can recover from the damages of A lvls.

#2 Since we're also burnt out it wouldn't hurt to have our weekends burn in camp guarding our country's military installation from Mas Salamat.

#3 NS is the perfect prep-course for my future B.Sc in Military Studies.
#4 Urhhh, d/dx(versinX)=H2S?

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