Presenting the BEST game of 2008 ----

Ok mayb fallout 3 deserves the title as well. Or 'metal gear solid 4'(never heard of it, just seems that people are infatuated with it). But that's besides my point. Left 4 Dead is a compelling game that elevates the idea of teamwork to whole new levels. Teamwork has rarely been so desperately necessary, or as tense and exciting, as it is in Left 4 Dead. Many games can emphasize teamwork, but none compels you to exercise it to an extent equivalent to this.
You need teamwork to play dota well, but a hero can still stand alone in the midst of a massive gang from the enemy and still survive and win. Counter-Strike emphasizes teamwork, but you can stand alone and still take out the whole opponent team. The same goes for unreal tournament and many other FPS and RTS games.
Not left 4 dead. Survival when stranded alone drops to an absolute zero. You need your team, your team needs you. Fight together... or die alone. This game bests all other fps, including the famed CS and Gears of War, and is definitely worth playing.
It's time to drop your dependence on dota to satisfy your gaming needs guys. Left 4 dead is available at both lan shops and garena. Time to change to a more fun and exciting game =)
yong sheng
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