boo. dropping by here to leave the first imprint of the ulutootkia-s. muahahaha. ubercoolkia is now invaded by the ulutoots! =) and this will now officially be the class blog. and as what we'd predicted, there are really alot of recounts of the class outing haha. quite interesting reading the different povs. and since i feel lazy, i shall blog about what happened before we joined the rest of them for the class outing ytd, since the after-parts are already blogged in detail below.
so it's like i left the house at 12.50pm, thinking that i'd be really late. so i decided to tag along in mum's car (since she was heading towards orchard anyway) and so she was to drop me off at orchard mrt and then i'll take 3 stops down to city hall and reach there not-so-late. but as it turns out, just when i was in the car, gen called and say she just woke up. -.- and she said she'd already called ellen and so ellen would meet gen at 2. then i was like "i'm already out of the house!!!" haha. so anyway i could have met up with the rest first, and actually be the earliest among the ulutoots (something which is really really rare, since i'm like the queen of lateness or something). but since i was at orchard... i decided to go pick up some stuff and then grab a quick lunch myself before meeting up with gen ellen and trish at city hall at two lol. so my lunch was like "auntie anne's" pretzel and i sat down by the taka fountain eating.. and observing ppl. there were some ppl doing surveys near the fountain. and one lady who was one of those ppl doing surveying suddenly sat down beside me and tried being friendly.
woman: hi. are you still schooling? sec sch.. poly?
me: er... yeah. jc.
woman: oh! you look really young! it's the holidays now right. are you taking up a part time job?
me: er... no.
woman: oh... then are you meeting some friends, or going anywhere?
me: yea. meeting some friends later.
woman: oh okay.. enjoy your day!
that was weird. hmm. why did i even bother telling her so much anyway haha. ok so i finished up my pretzel and walked back to orchard mrt... except that wisma underpass is closed up due to construction work. so i had to come up to land ground and was greeted by the majestic downpour of rain and i was like "oh shit!" so even though i walked through a covered walkway to get my way to orchard mrt, i was drenched on the right half of my body haha. -.- okayyy so i reached city hall and waited for the rest to turn up. and continued my pastime of observing ppl haha. then gen turned up... AND THEN this lady walks up to us and shakes our hand.
woman: how may i address both of you?
*bewildered stares frm gen and myself*
gen: gen
me: yiting
*woman shakes hand with us*
woman: are you both still schooling?
(then i was thinking to myself: omg not again?! and so i went straight to the point--)
me: jc.
woman: oh! you both look really young! are you interested in taking up a part time job? or do you know anyone who might be interested?
gen/me: sorry, no...
yea that was the gist of the convo. really weird huh. 2 encounters in one day. =S gen and i concluded that 'you look really young' must be some standard line that they're supposed to say. hoho. and then we waited... ellen finally reached. then trish. and THEN we joined the rest. hahaha.
and here ends my post. :) u can read the posts below for the continuation of what happened later on in the day.
<3 yiting
Sunday, November 12, 2006
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