yes so wat hav i been doing the past few days, when i havn' had time to blog. it's cuz of this.
Whee! haha. anyway, i left groudon out and finished with an egg. lol. that egg was soon to hatch into a pichu! yay cute baby pokemon.
ok enuff pokemon. anyway, as the title of my post suggest, this post has smthing to do about an eclipse, a lunar eclipse to exact.
"It feels good to be in the wilds"
"The moonlight shines on the guilty"
Luna Moonfang, Moon Rider
For those who don't understand the above, fret not, it's simply cuz u dun play dota. no major illness with u. For those who understand, it's just cuz u play dota, nothing outstanding about u either.
So yes, like i mentioned, there'll be a TOTAL lunar eclipse happening this coming sunday, 6.44am. the use of dota is just cuz that certain hero luna moonfang has a skill called eclipse, so when u ask the hero to use it, it sounds like luna eclipse. which sounds like lunar eclipse. so yah.
For those of u who want to catch this somewhat rare scene, u can wake up early and make sure that u can get a clear unobstructed view of the western sky, as by 6.44 the moon will be low on the western sky about to set alrdy(moon rises in the east and sets in the west, same as sun). Partial eclipse(that means the moon entering the penumbra of the shadow caused by earth) will begin at about 5.30 and u'll see the moon slowly getting blocked out by the earth's shadow. then it enters the earth's umbra shadow at 6.44(total eclipse), and since all light will then be blocked out, we see the moon turn red. yes red, because light can still diffract around the earth's atmosphere and reach the moon and be reflected back to our eyes. but, the blue light would have been scattered by the bending in our atmosphere, so we see only red. slowly the moon will turn redder until it moves out of the earth's umbra and then slowly out of the earth's penumbra, then the eclipse is over. unfortunately, due ot singapore's lousy positioning, we probably do not get to see the end of the eclipse, as the sun would hav risen by then. other countries' get to see a better view(that means in the middle of the night with the moon directly overhead. much clearer view and much better lighting.) but then other lunar eclipses, happening for the next few years, singapore wun get to see it at all. that means while they're happening, we're on the side facing the sun, so it's day for us. the next lunar eclipse that we get to see is in 2011 alrdy, so this one is somewhat rare. not that rare but somewhat. so yup. for those who want to watch, sleep early, wake up early, and gd luck! rmb to find a nice spot!
Prepare for 10 lucent beams to fall.
"Ana dolore filorei"
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