ok for those who've asked me how it's liked and i didn't really give u a proper response due to the impossibility to give a short and complete answer to it, here it is. my thoughts about it and how it went. so sorry for those who felt daoed in any way! didn't mean to.
Ok so the thingy was supposed to be held at CMPB(central manpower base) which is located at depot road. for those who dunno where that is, it's somewhere arnd tiong bahru. yup. so my time allocated was 9.30. and i arrived at 9.15 cuz i didn't want to be late and get owned or smthing.
So yah. CMPB doesn't allow u to bring any form of image capturing devices in, and that includes camera phones. so at the entrance, some officer will giv u a sticker to stick on ur shirt so ppl will know u're there for ns medical. and that same guy will also giv u a key to a locker to put ur handphone in. The locker damn cute lah. It's this damn small(in dimension) locker that's damn deep. so u get put smthing that's damn long but has a small width. lol. That whole grp of lockers looked like it's been built for cam phones or smthing. or damn small. dunno y so deep though. Anyway, so i went in and realised that ur timing is not impt at all one. u cld be 1 hr late and they wldn't hav known. it's not the kind where they alrdy hav ur name ther and expecting u one, like doctor appointment. It's more like the kind where u just walk in and ask for a medical, like visiting a clinic.
The first stop they'll ask u to go is the photo taking studio. to take ur photo(duh). You are required to put on one of the uniforms there and hav ur photo taken. Anyway, the person there is either a real asshole, or someone just rubbed him the wrong way that morning. he was in this damn pissing off mood lah. like as though all the ppl who just came in to hav their photo taken have pissed him off or smthing. He was damn rude and demanded for everyone's ic and pink slip(some pink form they'll giv u when u register) in a damn rude manner. and then the guy behind me got gged by him. He was like
"Eh, give me your pink form and ic. put on the uniform over there size 4 and comb your hair up." to me. then he looked at the guy behind me and said, just as the guy was abt to pass him his pink form and ic too,
"You, I don't want your pink form and ic. u put your things down. Come over here. I give u this(takes out shaver). go use it. come back when u're done."
lol so for those of u who need to go for ur medical plz make sure u shave before u go. dun get owned also. Anyway, he took a damn long time to take my photo, like ask me to tilt my head a bit to the left, a bit up, a bit down a bit back to the right. and stuff. lol.
anyway, so after i was done, he asked me to go for my actual medical. so i registered, then the first test was urine test. nothing much abt this. the second test was blood test. They take this damn huge needle, squeeze ur arm so that ur vein become damn big and damn obvious, then shove the huge needle in. haha. he completely destroyed my vein. now there're 2 puncture marks there. one going in, and the other probably cuz he over shot my vein. one entry one exit. lol. anyway, the putting in part isn't pain. it's the part after he takes it out. then it's damn pain. wah lao. 2 days alrd and it's still aching lah. the person withdrew one huge vial of blood. dunno what he gonna use that for, but i'm not bothered.
then the next test they asked me to go was X-ray. basically take off ur shirt, then lean on some machine for a short while, then done le. damn fast. like less than 1 min lor. then the next stop was for eye check up. also the standard stuff lah, test colour blindness with those coloured number cards thingy, and ur vision. next test was audio test, ENT. can't rmb what it stood for, but not impt lah. anyway, it's some test that makes u look like a complete idiot. cuz u go into this rm so ur hearing wun get affected by external noise, then u put on this headphoes which the controller outside will emit soft beeps to, and u raise ur hand immediately when u hear the tones. so the person outside was like playing the tones qte fast, so u end up, raising and putting ur hand up and down qte rapidly. which shld look stupid to the person outside. lol.
Next test was dental. the person look at ur teeth, mumble some jargonto another person who will take it down, which i dun understand. and it's done. lol. then u proceed to this room, where they take ur heart rate through ECG(electrocardiogram). Then they gav u this random cough test, which i shall not describe in detail. boys probably can ask me for the details, and mayb girls also, but not that much. so yah then the person will take u what PES(Physical Employment Standard) u get. basically i was PES A for everything, except my eyesight which was PES B. so my overall was PES B( they take ur lowest grade).
So after all this, u go to this final rm where u do some computer test. Basically some damn easy maths and physics qns. and an IQ test. which i screwed up cuz i didn't realise there was a time limit, so i was happily doing damn slowly, thinking it was damn easy then i ended up completing only 20 out of 30 qns. shit lah, my IQ abt 2/3 of average ppl le. some low IQ guy i am.
so yah, that was the end of the whole medical-cum-image-capturing-cum-aptitude test. went for lunch at their canteen(it's damn cheap), then came out at abt 2. reached back in sch abt 3, becuz rard asked me to go back. wah lao waste my time. shld hav gone home to slp like i inititally wanted to.
on a side note, think this is a damn nice clip. i cried watching it. lol
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