This year's national day parade is cool. really. i watched it, the preview. rocks, the army's display and theirspecial stuff damn cool. they had this golden like thingy pouring down from Sheares bridge. and it looked really like gold or golden water. spectacular. amazed me as much as marie's hse did. it's fireworks, but it completely didn't look like it. damn damn damn nice.
And their chinook helicopter on water. majestic man. the fan blades was blowing up all the water frm the river into a fine mist that covered them, so it's looked like some camouflaging cover or smthing. not meant to be camouflaging lah, but it just looked damn cool when it hovered near water. like some smokescreen or smthing.
but the performance of song and dance a bit boring though. didn't really pay much attention to it. the bag goodies are cool and nice too! yay. and i have all the national day songs in my ipod. lol
haha. wanna play them during civics or pe tmr? anyway, their remix of "Home " sucks. at least frm my point of view lah. the original still much nicer.
And there was this damn chio girl seated close to me, when the whole thing ended and they still had the songs playing she just got up after some of the ppl hav left and just started dancing on her seat. chio lor. shit why didn't i hav a video cam then can video it down. shitttt
anyway, yup that's all. met my j3 seniors after the thing on my way out. talked to them abit then went home. wooh.
triple post yet again. getting used to this. haha
Monday, July 30, 2007
random stuff
Looks like gerard posted my photos of marie's hse when i passed him his thumbdrive. so yah nothing much to say le. the chandeliers and size of rooms speak for itself. there's still the outside that isn't shown in those pics. and millions of rooms and sculptures n stuff not shown. overpowering.
My ipod jammed today. crap
Anyway, when ur ipod jams(meaning u can't do anything to it at all), this is how u repair it. u leave it in its jammed mode(the light was still on, and it can't turn off, just jammed, can't do anything) until it runs out of batt. then u recharge it and it'll reset. lol apple sucks lah. big time. ipods picking up electric charges frm nearby lightning and shocking ppl, to jamming ipods that can't do shit, apple really is shit.
With that, i leave u with a quote frm the master, yong sheng(lolz).
"The day Apple Inc. makes something that doesn't suck is the day it makes a vacuum cleaner."
My ipod jammed today. crap
Anyway, when ur ipod jams(meaning u can't do anything to it at all), this is how u repair it. u leave it in its jammed mode(the light was still on, and it can't turn off, just jammed, can't do anything) until it runs out of batt. then u recharge it and it'll reset. lol apple sucks lah. big time. ipods picking up electric charges frm nearby lightning and shocking ppl, to jamming ipods that can't do shit, apple really is shit.
With that, i leave u with a quote frm the master, yong sheng(lolz).
"The day Apple Inc. makes something that doesn't suck is the day it makes a vacuum cleaner."
Friday, July 27, 2007
NS medical
some interesting things during today's medical, in addition to yongsheng's post.
i got pwn't by the blood test.
[you never exercise is it? cannot find the vein one]
curiously, this is the second time i heard this during a blood test.
recall 3 months the airforce medical center...[boy why you no muscle one? cannot see the vein lei]
the airforce with their precision laser-guided smart intelligent instruments struck blood on the second try.
the army with their rudimentary tools took 2 soldiers and 3 tries. the first needle goes in but no blood comes out. readjusting his aim, the sharpshooter fires again. still no blood. he begins to panic, the needle wiggles back and forth, left and right(literally), desperately in search of the elusive blood vessel, but to no avail. he calls in the master marksman for a surgical strike, there seems to be an aura around the other guy saying [i'm pro]. with my right arm slapped redder than the rising sun, he turns to my left arm. a few gentle touches later, he pin pointed the flow of life. in a swift move he inserted the third needle. FIRST BLOOD!
i was hoping the first 2 tries would suck out some fats so that i get a free liposuction for all the trouble. nope.
at the ECG section, a dozen half-naked men could be seen walking around. odd. but of course its needed for the ECG test.
during the test i lied beside jameson, half-naked. definitely one of my more bizarre experiences.
the final review was made by a doctor. we had to flash our groins to him. he said pants down and pants up so fast that all he could have checked is the existence of our genitals.
all in all, i got PES A, which probably means commando/diver medical & interview.
some interesting things during today's medical, in addition to yongsheng's post.
i got pwn't by the blood test.
[you never exercise is it? cannot find the vein one]
curiously, this is the second time i heard this during a blood test.
recall 3 months the airforce medical center...[boy why you no muscle one? cannot see the vein lei]
the airforce with their precision laser-guided smart intelligent instruments struck blood on the second try.
the army with their rudimentary tools took 2 soldiers and 3 tries. the first needle goes in but no blood comes out. readjusting his aim, the sharpshooter fires again. still no blood. he begins to panic, the needle wiggles back and forth, left and right(literally), desperately in search of the elusive blood vessel, but to no avail. he calls in the master marksman for a surgical strike, there seems to be an aura around the other guy saying [i'm pro]. with my right arm slapped redder than the rising sun, he turns to my left arm. a few gentle touches later, he pin pointed the flow of life. in a swift move he inserted the third needle. FIRST BLOOD!
i was hoping the first 2 tries would suck out some fats so that i get a free liposuction for all the trouble. nope.
at the ECG section, a dozen half-naked men could be seen walking around. odd. but of course its needed for the ECG test.
during the test i lied beside jameson, half-naked. definitely one of my more bizarre experiences.
the final review was made by a doctor. we had to flash our groins to him. he said pants down and pants up so fast that all he could have checked is the existence of our genitals.
all in all, i got PES A, which probably means commando/diver medical & interview.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
NS medical ---- (march 28 2007)
ok this post came frm the archives our lovely blog has and it's for those who dunno how to go ns medical or dunno wat to expect. well read it, then get some sort of idea. i checked the street directory for u guys too le. basically, take 195 after coming out frm tiong bahru mrt station. shld be opposite the side with some shopping centre. ask the bus driver if u scared u overtake, or take wrong side. ok help u all enuff le, u all get lost not my fault liao. lol
ok for those who've asked me how it's liked and i didn't really give u a proper response due to the impossibility to give a short and complete answer to it, here it is. my thoughts about it and how it went. so sorry for those who felt daoed in any way! didn't mean to.
Ok so the thingy was supposed to be held at CMPB(central manpower base) which is located at depot road. for those who dunno where that is, it's somewhere arnd tiong bahru. yup. so my time allocated was 9.30. and i arrived at 9.15 cuz i didn't want to be late and get owned or smthing.
So yah. CMPB doesn't allow u to bring any form of image capturing devices in, and that includes camera phones. so at the entrance, some officer will giv u a sticker to stick on ur shirt so ppl will know u're there for ns medical. and that same guy will also giv u a key to a locker to put ur handphone in. The locker damn cute lah. It's this damn small(in dimension) locker that's damn deep. so u get put smthing that's damn long but has a small width. lol. That whole grp of lockers looked like it's been built for cam phones or smthing. or damn small. dunno y so deep though. Anyway, so i went in and realised that ur timing is not impt at all one. u cld be 1 hr late and they wldn't hav known. it's not the kind where they alrdy hav ur name ther and expecting u one, like doctor appointment. It's more like the kind where u just walk in and ask for a medical, like visiting a clinic.
The first stop they'll ask u to go is the photo taking studio. to take ur photo(duh). You are required to put on one of the uniforms there and hav ur photo taken. Anyway, the person there is either a real asshole, or someone just rubbed him the wrong way that morning. he was in this damn pissing off mood lah. like as though all the ppl who just came in to hav their photo taken have pissed him off or smthing. He was damn rude and demanded for everyone's ic and pink slip(some pink form they'll giv u when u register) in a damn rude manner. and then the guy behind me got gged by him. He was like
"Eh, give me your pink form and ic. put on the uniform over there size 4 and comb your hair up." to me. then he looked at the guy behind me and said, just as the guy was abt to pass him his pink form and ic too,
"You, I don't want your pink form and ic. u put your things down. Come over here. I give u this(takes out shaver). go use it. come back when u're done."
lol so for those of u who need to go for ur medical plz make sure u shave before u go. dun get owned also. Anyway, he took a damn long time to take my photo, like ask me to tilt my head a bit to the left, a bit up, a bit down a bit back to the right. and stuff. lol.
anyway, so after i was done, he asked me to go for my actual medical. so i registered, then the first test was urine test. nothing much abt this. the second test was blood test. They take this damn huge needle, squeeze ur arm so that ur vein become damn big and damn obvious, then shove the huge needle in. haha. he completely destroyed my vein. now there're 2 puncture marks there. one going in, and the other probably cuz he over shot my vein. one entry one exit. lol. anyway, the putting in part isn't pain. it's the part after he takes it out. then it's damn pain. wah lao. 2 days alrd and it's still aching lah. the person withdrew one huge vial of blood. dunno what he gonna use that for, but i'm not bothered.
then the next test they asked me to go was X-ray. basically take off ur shirt, then lean on some machine for a short while, then done le. damn fast. like less than 1 min lor. then the next stop was for eye check up. also the standard stuff lah, test colour blindness with those coloured number cards thingy, and ur vision. next test was audio test, ENT. can't rmb what it stood for, but not impt lah. anyway, it's some test that makes u look like a complete idiot. cuz u go into this rm so ur hearing wun get affected by external noise, then u put on this headphoes which the controller outside will emit soft beeps to, and u raise ur hand immediately when u hear the tones. so the person outside was like playing the tones qte fast, so u end up, raising and putting ur hand up and down qte rapidly. which shld look stupid to the person outside. lol.
Next test was dental. the person look at ur teeth, mumble some jargonto another person who will take it down, which i dun understand. and it's done. lol. then u proceed to this room, where they take ur heart rate through ECG(electrocardiogram). Then they gav u this random cough test, which i shall not describe in detail. boys probably can ask me for the details, and mayb girls also, but not that much. so yah then the person will take u what PES(Physical Employment Standard) u get. basically i was PES A for everything, except my eyesight which was PES B. so my overall was PES B( they take ur lowest grade).
So after all this, u go to this final rm where u do some computer test. Basically some damn easy maths and physics qns. and an IQ test. which i screwed up cuz i didn't realise there was a time limit, so i was happily doing damn slowly, thinking it was damn easy then i ended up completing only 20 out of 30 qns. shit lah, my IQ abt 2/3 of average ppl le. some low IQ guy i am.
so yah, that was the end of the whole medical-cum-image-capturing-cum-aptitude test. went for lunch at their canteen(it's damn cheap), then came out at abt 2. reached back in sch abt 3, becuz rard asked me to go back. wah lao waste my time. shld hav gone home to slp like i inititally wanted to.
on a side note, think this is a damn nice clip. i cried watching it. lol
ok for those who've asked me how it's liked and i didn't really give u a proper response due to the impossibility to give a short and complete answer to it, here it is. my thoughts about it and how it went. so sorry for those who felt daoed in any way! didn't mean to.
Ok so the thingy was supposed to be held at CMPB(central manpower base) which is located at depot road. for those who dunno where that is, it's somewhere arnd tiong bahru. yup. so my time allocated was 9.30. and i arrived at 9.15 cuz i didn't want to be late and get owned or smthing.
So yah. CMPB doesn't allow u to bring any form of image capturing devices in, and that includes camera phones. so at the entrance, some officer will giv u a sticker to stick on ur shirt so ppl will know u're there for ns medical. and that same guy will also giv u a key to a locker to put ur handphone in. The locker damn cute lah. It's this damn small(in dimension) locker that's damn deep. so u get put smthing that's damn long but has a small width. lol. That whole grp of lockers looked like it's been built for cam phones or smthing. or damn small. dunno y so deep though. Anyway, so i went in and realised that ur timing is not impt at all one. u cld be 1 hr late and they wldn't hav known. it's not the kind where they alrdy hav ur name ther and expecting u one, like doctor appointment. It's more like the kind where u just walk in and ask for a medical, like visiting a clinic.
The first stop they'll ask u to go is the photo taking studio. to take ur photo(duh). You are required to put on one of the uniforms there and hav ur photo taken. Anyway, the person there is either a real asshole, or someone just rubbed him the wrong way that morning. he was in this damn pissing off mood lah. like as though all the ppl who just came in to hav their photo taken have pissed him off or smthing. He was damn rude and demanded for everyone's ic and pink slip(some pink form they'll giv u when u register) in a damn rude manner. and then the guy behind me got gged by him. He was like
"Eh, give me your pink form and ic. put on the uniform over there size 4 and comb your hair up." to me. then he looked at the guy behind me and said, just as the guy was abt to pass him his pink form and ic too,
"You, I don't want your pink form and ic. u put your things down. Come over here. I give u this(takes out shaver). go use it. come back when u're done."
lol so for those of u who need to go for ur medical plz make sure u shave before u go. dun get owned also. Anyway, he took a damn long time to take my photo, like ask me to tilt my head a bit to the left, a bit up, a bit down a bit back to the right. and stuff. lol.
anyway, so after i was done, he asked me to go for my actual medical. so i registered, then the first test was urine test. nothing much abt this. the second test was blood test. They take this damn huge needle, squeeze ur arm so that ur vein become damn big and damn obvious, then shove the huge needle in. haha. he completely destroyed my vein. now there're 2 puncture marks there. one going in, and the other probably cuz he over shot my vein. one entry one exit. lol. anyway, the putting in part isn't pain. it's the part after he takes it out. then it's damn pain. wah lao. 2 days alrd and it's still aching lah. the person withdrew one huge vial of blood. dunno what he gonna use that for, but i'm not bothered.
then the next test they asked me to go was X-ray. basically take off ur shirt, then lean on some machine for a short while, then done le. damn fast. like less than 1 min lor. then the next stop was for eye check up. also the standard stuff lah, test colour blindness with those coloured number cards thingy, and ur vision. next test was audio test, ENT. can't rmb what it stood for, but not impt lah. anyway, it's some test that makes u look like a complete idiot. cuz u go into this rm so ur hearing wun get affected by external noise, then u put on this headphoes which the controller outside will emit soft beeps to, and u raise ur hand immediately when u hear the tones. so the person outside was like playing the tones qte fast, so u end up, raising and putting ur hand up and down qte rapidly. which shld look stupid to the person outside. lol.
Next test was dental. the person look at ur teeth, mumble some jargonto another person who will take it down, which i dun understand. and it's done. lol. then u proceed to this room, where they take ur heart rate through ECG(electrocardiogram). Then they gav u this random cough test, which i shall not describe in detail. boys probably can ask me for the details, and mayb girls also, but not that much. so yah then the person will take u what PES(Physical Employment Standard) u get. basically i was PES A for everything, except my eyesight which was PES B. so my overall was PES B( they take ur lowest grade).
So after all this, u go to this final rm where u do some computer test. Basically some damn easy maths and physics qns. and an IQ test. which i screwed up cuz i didn't realise there was a time limit, so i was happily doing damn slowly, thinking it was damn easy then i ended up completing only 20 out of 30 qns. shit lah, my IQ abt 2/3 of average ppl le. some low IQ guy i am.
so yah, that was the end of the whole medical-cum-image-capturing-cum-aptitude test. went for lunch at their canteen(it's damn cheap), then came out at abt 2. reached back in sch abt 3, becuz rard asked me to go back. wah lao waste my time. shld hav gone home to slp like i inititally wanted to.
on a side note, think this is a damn nice clip. i cried watching it. lol
deathly hallows!!!!
hmm this video taken by pin at 6am :) and there's one part of the video where the video turned dark at some point along the queue and you can hear voices of ppl saying hi, that'll be the rest of us, pity that the lighting wasn't enough to show our pretty faces lolol. but oh well :)
whee! haha this was at 7am, right after the countdown. u can see that we got pretty near the front considering that we managed to get inside the dome building to witness the countdown lol. so there was pin, me, gerard, weirong, nurul, ash, and ash's brother whom i dunno what's his name heh. we queued for close to 3 hours in total? quite an experience la haha.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
pictures time!
and so, people. we havent had pictures in quite a while eh. here's some photos that have been lying about in my phone lol.
And here are some photos that really show how BIG marie's house is oO. For those of u who have forgotten who marie is, just go to the archives and find ys' triple kill post spree. Alternatively, u could ask him. Hm. Or u could ask wulei and see wad happens lol!

And here are some photos that really show how BIG marie's house is oO. For those of u who have forgotten who marie is, just go to the archives and find ys' triple kill post spree. Alternatively, u could ask him. Hm. Or u could ask wulei and see wad happens lol!

Sunday, July 22, 2007
back again
fine. have it your way. if u want ur own design get one yourself and send me the coding. sc i bet this has nothing to do with ur logging in issues so now that i've changed it back, if it still persists, i'm gonna laugh at u. yups, enjoy.
on a lighter note, the 7th book is everything i look for in a fanfic. awesome.
on a lighter note, the 7th book is everything i look for in a fanfic. awesome.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I know I’ve been very quiet on the blog lately. I sort of expected myself to blog about my expectations for the book everyday starting from the ‘one month to DH’ day. I guess I just couldn’t bring myself to face the truth that the book release is so near. But I have to say something about it before it comes out, don’t I? So, here it goes…
I’m not as excited about the release as I might have been a few weeks ago. I know I’ve been eagerly counting down the days, but suddenly I’m not so eager for it to arrive anymore. In fact, I think I’d be perfectly content not knowing the fate of the characters. Don’t be mistaken, I haven’t lost any interest in it or anything. I just feel too much for the characters that I can’t bear knowing what’s going to happen to them. There’s no turning back once you’ve read it.
I can’t help wondering how much Jo must’ve gone through. She said she was both ‘euphoric and devastated’ on finishing the book. She sobbed while she was writing one of the last chapters, one that had been planned so long ago. If I’m feeling this anxious about the book, I’m surprised she hasn’t broken down and gone to a mental hospital yet.
What made me really scared is the interview Jo gave a few days ago. She said that this book is going to be hated by a lot of people. Work out yourself what that means, because I have no idea. Maybe it means Harry’s going to die?
But anyway, Jo still has my full trust. I know she won’t let us, or at least me, down.
Right now the first post of the first page of Mugglenet is what the Guardian claims to be the opening chapter of the book (apparently they got it from the documentary video on Jo’s life), and I HAVE NOT READ IT (I’m so proud of myself!). I read some of the comments though (heh couldn’t resist). Arghhhh to read or not to read… read, don’t read, read, don’t read, read, don’t read…
Ok I’ve decided. I think I’ll read it after I finish the book. Heh.
Oh I almost forgot. I think I need to give a gentle reminder before the book comes out.
Please don’t. Spoilers are bad, bad things, children. You really don’t want to make me angry, do you now? You might feel a bit, ah, inflated afterwards.
Come to think of it, it might be a good idea. I might get enrolled into Hogwarts after displaying magical tendencies out of fury.
Anyway, do be considerate and think of the feelings of an HP fan whose sanity clings onto this chunk of paper. And it’s not only me. We’ve been waiting faithfully for half our lives for this, and if you think it’s fun to spoil books for other people, you might end up being on the receiving end of a stampede and a very nasty combination of hexes with the word ‘SPOILED’ on your face. After that, being inflated won’t be such a bad idea.
I still can’t believe that in around 5 days and 8 hours, I WILL BE HOLDING THE BOOK IN MY HANDS. I’m planning to finish it in one day, because I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t. I don’t think it’ll sink in within one day, though. I remember the first time I read book 6, it all seemed so unreal. The plot was unfamiliar to me compared to the rest of the series, which I’d read over 10 times. I was just struggling to come to terms with what had happened. And I know it’s going to be much worse for this last book.
It must sound really stupid agonising over something that’s, well, not real, when dunno how many million people around the world are suffering with reality. I sound so self-centred, don’t I?
Let me be self-centred for a few more days then. After that I promise to be extra nice to everyone.
This time I’ll end the post with a diary entry from none other than the genius herself.
February 6 , 2007
Charles Dickens put it better than I ever could:
'It would concern the reader little, perhaps, to know how sorrowfully the pen is laid down at the close of a two-years' imaginative task; or how an Author feels as if he were dismissing some portion of himself into the shadowy world, when a crowd of the creatures of his brain are going from him for ever.'
To which I can only sigh, try seventeen years, Charles...
I always knew that Harry's story would end with the seventh book, but saying goodbye has been just as hard as I always knew it would be. Even while I'm mourning, though, I feel an incredible sense of achievement. I can hardly believe that I've finally written the ending I've been planning for so many years. I've never felt such a mixture of extreme emotions in my life, never dreamed I could feel simultaneously heartbroken and euphoric.
Some of you have expressed a (much more muted!) mixture of happiness and sadness at the prospect of the last book being published, and that has meant more than I can tell you. If it comes as any consolation, I think that there will be plenty to continue arguing and speculating about, even after 'Deathly Hallows' comes out. So if you're not yet ready to quit the message boards, do not despair...
I'm almost scared to admit this, but one thing has stopped me collapsing in a puddle of misery on the floor. While each of the previous Potter books has strong claims on my affections, 'Deathly Hallows' is my favourite, and that is the most wonderful way to finish the series.
Ah, I love Jo to bits. What would my life be without her?
And as Hagrid wisely put it,
“What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
Happy reading!
I’m not as excited about the release as I might have been a few weeks ago. I know I’ve been eagerly counting down the days, but suddenly I’m not so eager for it to arrive anymore. In fact, I think I’d be perfectly content not knowing the fate of the characters. Don’t be mistaken, I haven’t lost any interest in it or anything. I just feel too much for the characters that I can’t bear knowing what’s going to happen to them. There’s no turning back once you’ve read it.
I can’t help wondering how much Jo must’ve gone through. She said she was both ‘euphoric and devastated’ on finishing the book. She sobbed while she was writing one of the last chapters, one that had been planned so long ago. If I’m feeling this anxious about the book, I’m surprised she hasn’t broken down and gone to a mental hospital yet.
What made me really scared is the interview Jo gave a few days ago. She said that this book is going to be hated by a lot of people. Work out yourself what that means, because I have no idea. Maybe it means Harry’s going to die?
But anyway, Jo still has my full trust. I know she won’t let us, or at least me, down.
Right now the first post of the first page of Mugglenet is what the Guardian claims to be the opening chapter of the book (apparently they got it from the documentary video on Jo’s life), and I HAVE NOT READ IT (I’m so proud of myself!). I read some of the comments though (heh couldn’t resist). Arghhhh to read or not to read… read, don’t read, read, don’t read, read, don’t read…
Ok I’ve decided. I think I’ll read it after I finish the book. Heh.
Oh I almost forgot. I think I need to give a gentle reminder before the book comes out.
Please don’t. Spoilers are bad, bad things, children. You really don’t want to make me angry, do you now? You might feel a bit, ah, inflated afterwards.
Come to think of it, it might be a good idea. I might get enrolled into Hogwarts after displaying magical tendencies out of fury.
Anyway, do be considerate and think of the feelings of an HP fan whose sanity clings onto this chunk of paper. And it’s not only me. We’ve been waiting faithfully for half our lives for this, and if you think it’s fun to spoil books for other people, you might end up being on the receiving end of a stampede and a very nasty combination of hexes with the word ‘SPOILED’ on your face. After that, being inflated won’t be such a bad idea.
I still can’t believe that in around 5 days and 8 hours, I WILL BE HOLDING THE BOOK IN MY HANDS. I’m planning to finish it in one day, because I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t. I don’t think it’ll sink in within one day, though. I remember the first time I read book 6, it all seemed so unreal. The plot was unfamiliar to me compared to the rest of the series, which I’d read over 10 times. I was just struggling to come to terms with what had happened. And I know it’s going to be much worse for this last book.
It must sound really stupid agonising over something that’s, well, not real, when dunno how many million people around the world are suffering with reality. I sound so self-centred, don’t I?
Let me be self-centred for a few more days then. After that I promise to be extra nice to everyone.
This time I’ll end the post with a diary entry from none other than the genius herself.
February 6 , 2007
Charles Dickens put it better than I ever could:
'It would concern the reader little, perhaps, to know how sorrowfully the pen is laid down at the close of a two-years' imaginative task; or how an Author feels as if he were dismissing some portion of himself into the shadowy world, when a crowd of the creatures of his brain are going from him for ever.'
To which I can only sigh, try seventeen years, Charles...
I always knew that Harry's story would end with the seventh book, but saying goodbye has been just as hard as I always knew it would be. Even while I'm mourning, though, I feel an incredible sense of achievement. I can hardly believe that I've finally written the ending I've been planning for so many years. I've never felt such a mixture of extreme emotions in my life, never dreamed I could feel simultaneously heartbroken and euphoric.
Some of you have expressed a (much more muted!) mixture of happiness and sadness at the prospect of the last book being published, and that has meant more than I can tell you. If it comes as any consolation, I think that there will be plenty to continue arguing and speculating about, even after 'Deathly Hallows' comes out. So if you're not yet ready to quit the message boards, do not despair...
I'm almost scared to admit this, but one thing has stopped me collapsing in a puddle of misery on the floor. While each of the previous Potter books has strong claims on my affections, 'Deathly Hallows' is my favourite, and that is the most wonderful way to finish the series.
Ah, I love Jo to bits. What would my life be without her?
And as Hagrid wisely put it,
“What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.”
Happy reading!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hell, it's about time
Every morning, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it'll get eaten.
Every morning, a lion wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it'll starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or gazelle.
When the sun rises, you better start running.
The prelims are only abt 50 days away. which equates to about 50 plus days left to study/ revise. so we should stop lanning, guys. At this time of the year, the opportunity cost of going lanning starts getting exponentially high. So it should be time to mug. personally, i'm very happy with my performance today, especially with naga siren. (lol the gp song of the siren). So yup, i hav no qualms stopping. For those who dun feel like stopping, go play one match of easy ai, own them, feel happy and stop. yup.
The sun is rising.
Start running, 6N
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it'll get eaten.
Every morning, a lion wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it'll starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or gazelle.
When the sun rises, you better start running.
The prelims are only abt 50 days away. which equates to about 50 plus days left to study/ revise. so we should stop lanning, guys. At this time of the year, the opportunity cost of going lanning starts getting exponentially high. So it should be time to mug. personally, i'm very happy with my performance today, especially with naga siren. (lol the gp song of the siren). So yup, i hav no qualms stopping. For those who dun feel like stopping, go play one match of easy ai, own them, feel happy and stop. yup.
The sun is rising.
Start running, 6N
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Mrt station quiz
Some quiz i took off rard's blog, who had took it off wr's blog, and i wonder where wr took it off frm. lol. Anyway, it's for u to do when u're bo liao. and i happened to be, so i did. and got pretty much the result i expected, that i've been to almost every mrt station physically le. been there meaning i've actually alighted at or boarded the train frm that particular station cuz i was there for smthing, not just sit on the train and bypass the station, or smthing like in take car to the area and see the mrt station frm afar. wooh i ownz.
[X] Changi Airport - go overseas, send ppl off
[X] Expo - exhibitions, a lot of them
[X] Pasir Ris - escape, chalets, park, white sands, chinny/jasper house
[X] Tampines - mall, chalet
[ ] Simei -
[X] Tanah Merah - chalet
[X] Bedok - class cip
[X] Kembangan - lan
[X] Eunos - east coast
[ ] Paya Lebar -
[X] Aljunied - dropped by some shop to collect something
[X] Kallang - kayaking
[X] Lavender - make IC, renew passport
[X] Bugis - lol who hasn't been here man
[X] City Hall - millions of stuff
[X] Raffles Place - millions of stuff too
[ ] Tanjong Pagar - omg y havn't i been here?
[X] Outram Park - some singapore police force csi competition
[X] Tiong Bahru - can't rmb what i came here for alrdy, some cip thingy
[X] Redhill - my father brought me here to eat, wat crap man, there isn't exactl much to eat here anyway, delta sports complex
[X] Queenstown - Gen aunt's thai restaurant
[X] Commonwealth - forgot wat i came here for
[X] Buona Vista - NUS
[X] Dover - yt's house, singapore poly
[X] Clementi - badminton, jameson's house, Institute of Microelectronics
[X] Jurong East - ice skating, library, and other reasons
[X] Chinese Garden - ann liang's hse
[X] Lakeside - grandma's hse
[X] Boon Lay - NTU
[X] Bukit Batok - west mall
[X] Bukit Gombak - rockclimbing, swimming, fren's hse
[X] Choa Chu Kang - lot 1
[X] Yew Tee - my hse
[X] Kranji - go msia
[ ] Marsiling - omg i tot i've been to all stations on north south line!
[X] Woodlands - causeway point, relative's hse
[ ] Admiralty - omg here also havn't go!
[X] Sembawang - sun plaza
[X] Yishun - hongrui's hse
[X] Khatib - sherman's hse
[X] Yio Chu Kang - sherman's house
[X] Ang Mo Kio - gen's hse, yi shan's hse
[X] Bishan - er duh
[X] Braddell - NPCC hike, go ri overshoot u alight here and walk back, dun need take train back
[X] Toa Payoh - rard's hse, wee pin's hse, and other stuff
[X] Novena - united square, ben&jerry
[X] Newton - newton food center
[X] Orchard - if u havn't been here, u lack a life/u've been kidnapped for dunno how many years
[X] Somerset - if u havn't been here, u lack a life/u've been kidnapped for dunno how many years
[X] Dhoby Ghaut - plaza sing, kbox, lan
[X] Marina Bay - forgot le
[X] Harbourfront - vivo, Institute of Microelectronics
[X] Chinatown - shopping
[X] Clarke Quay - I always seem to walk past here whenever i decide to take a walk arnd the south area
[X] Little India - some learning journey
[X] Farrer Park - some learning journey
[X] Boon Keng- some odac obstacle challenge course thingy
[ ] Potong Pasir -
[X] Serangoon - i come here too often, everyone seems to live here, chomp chomp!, where the phtos of the post just below this came frm!
[X] Kovan - fren's hse
[X] Hougang - sherman's uncle's hse
[ ] Buangkok - is it even open?
[X] Sengkang - sherman's uncle's hse
[X] Punggol - OBS
I pwnz u gerard, 3 frm east-west, 2 frm north-south, 2 frm north-east untouched only. wooh.i rely on mrt too much. probably cuz of a few reasons.
1. It goes almost everywhere.
2. It's timing is reliable.
3. It's fast to a certain extent.
4. It's cheap.
way to go man. yeah.
[X] Changi Airport - go overseas, send ppl off
[X] Expo - exhibitions, a lot of them
[X] Pasir Ris - escape, chalets, park, white sands, chinny/jasper house
[X] Tampines - mall, chalet
[ ] Simei -
[X] Tanah Merah - chalet
[X] Bedok - class cip
[X] Kembangan - lan
[X] Eunos - east coast
[ ] Paya Lebar -
[X] Aljunied - dropped by some shop to collect something
[X] Kallang - kayaking
[X] Lavender - make IC, renew passport
[X] Bugis - lol who hasn't been here man
[X] City Hall - millions of stuff
[X] Raffles Place - millions of stuff too
[ ] Tanjong Pagar - omg y havn't i been here?
[X] Outram Park - some singapore police force csi competition
[X] Tiong Bahru - can't rmb what i came here for alrdy, some cip thingy
[X] Redhill - my father brought me here to eat, wat crap man, there isn't exactl much to eat here anyway, delta sports complex
[X] Queenstown - Gen aunt's thai restaurant
[X] Commonwealth - forgot wat i came here for
[X] Buona Vista - NUS
[X] Dover - yt's house, singapore poly
[X] Clementi - badminton, jameson's house, Institute of Microelectronics
[X] Jurong East - ice skating, library, and other reasons
[X] Chinese Garden - ann liang's hse
[X] Lakeside - grandma's hse
[X] Boon Lay - NTU
[X] Bukit Batok - west mall
[X] Bukit Gombak - rockclimbing, swimming, fren's hse
[X] Choa Chu Kang - lot 1
[X] Yew Tee - my hse
[X] Kranji - go msia
[ ] Marsiling - omg i tot i've been to all stations on north south line!
[X] Woodlands - causeway point, relative's hse
[ ] Admiralty - omg here also havn't go!
[X] Sembawang - sun plaza
[X] Yishun - hongrui's hse
[X] Khatib - sherman's hse
[X] Yio Chu Kang - sherman's house
[X] Ang Mo Kio - gen's hse, yi shan's hse
[X] Bishan - er duh
[X] Braddell - NPCC hike, go ri overshoot u alight here and walk back, dun need take train back
[X] Toa Payoh - rard's hse, wee pin's hse, and other stuff
[X] Novena - united square, ben&jerry
[X] Newton - newton food center
[X] Orchard - if u havn't been here, u lack a life/u've been kidnapped for dunno how many years
[X] Somerset - if u havn't been here, u lack a life/u've been kidnapped for dunno how many years
[X] Dhoby Ghaut - plaza sing, kbox, lan
[X] Marina Bay - forgot le
[X] Harbourfront - vivo, Institute of Microelectronics
[X] Chinatown - shopping
[X] Clarke Quay - I always seem to walk past here whenever i decide to take a walk arnd the south area
[X] Little India - some learning journey
[X] Farrer Park - some learning journey
[X] Boon Keng- some odac obstacle challenge course thingy
[ ] Potong Pasir -
[X] Serangoon - i come here too often, everyone seems to live here, chomp chomp!, where the phtos of the post just below this came frm!
[X] Kovan - fren's hse
[X] Hougang - sherman's uncle's hse
[ ] Buangkok - is it even open?
[X] Sengkang - sherman's uncle's hse
[X] Punggol - OBS
I pwnz u gerard, 3 frm east-west, 2 frm north-south, 2 frm north-east untouched only. wooh.i rely on mrt too much. probably cuz of a few reasons.
1. It goes almost everywhere.
2. It's timing is reliable.
3. It's fast to a certain extent.
4. It's cheap.
way to go man. yeah.
new layout
well, to follow our sister blog, here's a new layout haha. gawd u wont believe how MANY designs there are out there meant for girls. it's super hard to find a suitable one for our blog lol -.- um anyway, hope u peeps like e design. i dun really know what relient k is haha but well they're guys and they look cool, so that's us rite!! wooh hahaha. any violent objections will be ah, taken into consideration (:
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I do not cheat
Ok let's clear a bit of things up first. I agree wif u rard, honesty is the best policy. So, to yiting and gerard and whoever else who think i somehow fabricated the result to get claire bennett, i did not. As in how could i know wat score will be claire bennett? And y wld i want to get claire bennett when peter petrelli is so much cooler? to somehow get a 37,37,37 score is just me ok, not fabrication.
haha ok now that that's done, this other weird test says i die at 83. of a heart attack. y everyone die same way one. fake lah. haha.
and shawn's comp crashed, so i hav to wait a while more for the photos. crap. sorry gerard, u hav to wait a while more.
and penultimately(wah cheem word!), a meal wif mr raufie. eh so long le lor. how how how? actually i dunno how either. i suck. but i'm sure that the class is not as sucky as i am. so any ideas where, what to do and i'll settle the when?
lastly, dota overload! our new time table is a complete waste of fridays. esp for xy. comeon man, 1 hr econs lect(xy wun turn up), followed by a 2 and a half hr break where we can't go home(waste our time), followed by gp( so xy still must come to sch on fridays, waste his time). and we've been playing too much dota. we shld stop. really. for the gd of us all.(omg trish will love this)
Play Unreal Tournament 2004 instead =) (sorry trish!)

Your Score: Matt Parkman
You scored 66 Idealism, 29 Nonconformity, 16 Nerdiness
Link: The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Monday, July 02, 2007
same test as rard. with a cool result =) ellen gonna tell me to stop obsessing again. lol
Your Score: Claire Bennet
You scored 37 Idealism, 37 Nonconformity, 37 Nerdiness

I walked through fire and I didn't get burned.
Congratulations, you're Claire Bennet! You are a sweet person who wants to be accepted and fit in. However, you're learning to embrace the side of yourself that's special and unique and are becoming a much stronger person for it. Keep it up, and you might be indestructible. ;)
Your best quality: Sweetness
Your worst quality: A fear of being different
P.S Sc, the part bout walking through fire sounds like a pyromancer huh? haha
Your Score: Claire Bennet
You scored 37 Idealism, 37 Nonconformity, 37 Nerdiness

I walked through fire and I didn't get burned.
Congratulations, you're Claire Bennet! You are a sweet person who wants to be accepted and fit in. However, you're learning to embrace the side of yourself that's special and unique and are becoming a much stronger person for it. Keep it up, and you might be indestructible. ;)
Your best quality: Sweetness
Your worst quality: A fear of being different
P.S Sc, the part bout walking through fire sounds like a pyromancer huh? haha
Your Score: Ando Masahashi
You scored 29 Idealism, 37 Nonconformity, 54 Nerdiness
Congratulations, you're Ando Masahashi! You're a practical, sensible, person. You're also a bit of a nerd, though you haven't fully realized that yet. You're a great person to go to for practical advice. You're also a bit of a flirt.
Your best quality: Practicality -- you have your feet and the ground and know what's up.
Your worst quality: Finding every person you meet attractive (or maybe that's a good quality -- I don't know)
The Heroes Personality Test |
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Yea i agree totally with ellen. HEROES ROCKS! haha esp claire bennet i.e hayden leslie panetierre. wooh she's so pretty! And the actor real name for peter petrelli is Milo. really. haha. and he's shuai man.
Anyway, thanks gerard for opening up your house. With the way we did nothing at all, i wonder if your parents are ever going to let you invite friends for a stayover again. I missed the first two episodes cause i arrived late, and about one episode in between somewhere cause i was sleeping lol. so i actually slept for less than an hour. haha. i guess it's because my position wasn't very comfortable, kept shifting about(ellen might hav noticed) so i can't sleep.
Which is good! cause i get to see more of hayden's face. and milo's imbaness. haha. actually ali larter(niki sanders) is not bad, but she's overshadowed by hayden. haha.
ok enough obsessing wif hayden and milo le. for those who have not watched heroes b4, i recommend you watch it. It's qte gd overall, though in terms of detail( the small insignificant parts which nobody notices) it's qte lousy. like how parkman and that inspector aren't perspiring when water is boiling so vigorously. like how mohinder can somehow make sylar faint when he first found out 'zane taylor' was sylar. like how sylar can turn off that machine thingy with his telekinesis when the machine thingy is supposed to stop his telekinesis from working. like how peter can be so stupid to stand around when he saw those threatening glass bits, instead of going to stand behind sylar so he definitely can't get hit. like how the beginning of each episode is different from the end of the previous episode. and the list goes on and on. but the story on the whole is not bad lah. qte gd.
And thanks gerard once again! and gen as well for the cds!
P.S where did sylar get his ice powers from arh? i dun rmb him ever koping the brain of anyone with icy powers. can't be his starting power either else he'll have showed chandra suresh. so anyone care to enlighten me? or isit just another mistake of the director like the numerous small mistakes he made?
Anyway, thanks gerard for opening up your house. With the way we did nothing at all, i wonder if your parents are ever going to let you invite friends for a stayover again. I missed the first two episodes cause i arrived late, and about one episode in between somewhere cause i was sleeping lol. so i actually slept for less than an hour. haha. i guess it's because my position wasn't very comfortable, kept shifting about(ellen might hav noticed) so i can't sleep.
Which is good! cause i get to see more of hayden's face. and milo's imbaness. haha. actually ali larter(niki sanders) is not bad, but she's overshadowed by hayden. haha.
ok enough obsessing wif hayden and milo le. for those who have not watched heroes b4, i recommend you watch it. It's qte gd overall, though in terms of detail( the small insignificant parts which nobody notices) it's qte lousy. like how parkman and that inspector aren't perspiring when water is boiling so vigorously. like how mohinder can somehow make sylar faint when he first found out 'zane taylor' was sylar. like how sylar can turn off that machine thingy with his telekinesis when the machine thingy is supposed to stop his telekinesis from working. like how peter can be so stupid to stand around when he saw those threatening glass bits, instead of going to stand behind sylar so he definitely can't get hit. like how the beginning of each episode is different from the end of the previous episode. and the list goes on and on. but the story on the whole is not bad lah. qte gd.
And thanks gerard once again! and gen as well for the cds!
P.S where did sylar get his ice powers from arh? i dun rmb him ever koping the brain of anyone with icy powers. can't be his starting power either else he'll have showed chandra suresh. so anyone care to enlighten me? or isit just another mistake of the director like the numerous small mistakes he made?
post number 300!
He looked around at the bars that were trapping him, keeping him in this cage. He was tired of this. He had enough of this already. His captor had treated him well, in fact, very well at times, but at times she was totally annoying and irritating. A bitch, he’d say. But there seemed to be nothing he could do. Or is there?
He closed his eyes, and searched deep within his mind. “I can end this… I’m a wizard warrior.” While the warrior part of him certainly seemed useless at this point, seeing that he has neither his sword nor bow and arrow with him, the wizard part of him should be able to do something. Something that could stop this, end this. Once and for all. He was weak, and the energies that once surged through his body were hardly present. Still he had to try.
He watched as his captor walked into the room, and walked towards him with a bowl of dog food, apparently attempting to annoy him again. He had his dignity, and he’ll not eat dog food. As anger surged through his veins, he rose, a small ball of blue light appearing in his right hand.
“What are you doing?” The captor asked in a startled and alarmed tone, apparently surprised that after all this years, he still had the power to generate that kind of energy. The ball of energy grew larger in his hand as he charged it, and the light from it lit up the room in an eerie blue glow. “I’m breaking out, and making sure that I get away from here. From you.”
With a swing of his arm, he released the energy ball at his captor. She dropped the bowl of dog food and instinctively raised her hands, creating a thin shield of energy. The collision of the ball and the shield created a large energy blast throwing the captor off her feet, as her shield was too weak. She hit the wall and collapsed into a heap, as the bars of the cage were blasted apart. In a split second, the wizard warrior was out of the room, sprinting down the hallway, out the door into the main fortress, and down the spiraling stairway to the courtyard below. He got out the main gate just before it closed, a sign that his captor was back on her feet and chasing him. Now that he was out of the fortress which held him, he let out a loud whistle, summoning his horse to his side. He watched as his horse came galloping out from behind a sand dune some distance away, sprinting towards him. He ran towards his horse, and leaped onto it as it got near. Turning the horse a full 180 degrees around, he rode off into the desert.
He turned his head around and saw His captor standing upon the stone walls of the fortress. She collapsed into a heap once again and started crying. He turned back and rode off into the horizon. He was free, after nearly 2 years. It’s over.
He closed his eyes, and searched deep within his mind. “I can end this… I’m a wizard warrior.” While the warrior part of him certainly seemed useless at this point, seeing that he has neither his sword nor bow and arrow with him, the wizard part of him should be able to do something. Something that could stop this, end this. Once and for all. He was weak, and the energies that once surged through his body were hardly present. Still he had to try.
He watched as his captor walked into the room, and walked towards him with a bowl of dog food, apparently attempting to annoy him again. He had his dignity, and he’ll not eat dog food. As anger surged through his veins, he rose, a small ball of blue light appearing in his right hand.
“What are you doing?” The captor asked in a startled and alarmed tone, apparently surprised that after all this years, he still had the power to generate that kind of energy. The ball of energy grew larger in his hand as he charged it, and the light from it lit up the room in an eerie blue glow. “I’m breaking out, and making sure that I get away from here. From you.”
With a swing of his arm, he released the energy ball at his captor. She dropped the bowl of dog food and instinctively raised her hands, creating a thin shield of energy. The collision of the ball and the shield created a large energy blast throwing the captor off her feet, as her shield was too weak. She hit the wall and collapsed into a heap, as the bars of the cage were blasted apart. In a split second, the wizard warrior was out of the room, sprinting down the hallway, out the door into the main fortress, and down the spiraling stairway to the courtyard below. He got out the main gate just before it closed, a sign that his captor was back on her feet and chasing him. Now that he was out of the fortress which held him, he let out a loud whistle, summoning his horse to his side. He watched as his horse came galloping out from behind a sand dune some distance away, sprinting towards him. He ran towards his horse, and leaped onto it as it got near. Turning the horse a full 180 degrees around, he rode off into the desert.
He turned his head around and saw His captor standing upon the stone walls of the fortress. She collapsed into a heap once again and started crying. He turned back and rode off into the horizon. He was free, after nearly 2 years. It’s over.
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