Ok let's clear a bit of things up first. I agree wif u rard, honesty is the best policy. So, to yiting and gerard and whoever else who think i somehow fabricated the result to get claire bennett, i did not. As in how could i know wat score will be claire bennett? And y wld i want to get claire bennett when peter petrelli is so much cooler? to somehow get a 37,37,37 score is just me ok, not fabrication.
haha ok now that that's done, this other weird test says i die at 83. of a heart attack. y everyone die same way one. fake lah. haha.
and shawn's comp crashed, so i hav to wait a while more for the photos. crap. sorry gerard, u hav to wait a while more.
and penultimately(wah cheem word!), a meal wif mr raufie. eh so long le lor. how how how? actually i dunno how either. i suck. but i'm sure that the class is not as sucky as i am. so any ideas where, what to do and i'll settle the when?
lastly, dota overload! our new time table is a complete waste of fridays. esp for xy. comeon man, 1 hr econs lect(xy wun turn up), followed by a 2 and a half hr break where we can't go home(waste our time), followed by gp( so xy still must come to sch on fridays, waste his time). and we've been playing too much dota. we shld stop. really. for the gd of us all.(omg trish will love this)
Play Unreal Tournament 2004 instead =) (sorry trish!)

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