So, it's been 3 long years since i last played against credible opposition(inter-hse chess tournament in jc). I've more or less forgotten most of my tactics and with the recent job hunting, chess has somewhat slipped out of my mind.
Until my US trip. New York, Union Square. I was walking into the subway to get abit of shelter from the cold when i saw this black guy with a chess board, challenging people to a game of chess for money. So i watched as a white guy took up the challenge, and took the position of white(lol).
His opening move: e3 (king pawn 1 step up)
'Wtf' was the first thing that came to my mind. Why did he open with such a defensive move when he's playing white? Evidently, the black guy wasn't expecting this as well, and took a long time pondering this opening move. I didn't continue watching, as i was too cold. but my interest in chess had been rekindled.
Considering i lacked a partner, i decided to play chess titans! The free game that comes with windows vista. Having smashed level 2 and 5 before(a good example of non-credible opposition), i attempted level 7. And while the comp was good indeed, it was the most time-wasting game i've ever played. Just look at how it ended.

A human opposition does not need to play to this conclusion before deciding that it's a draw, damn it. People usually propose a draw, and then move on to the next game. No way you can do that against a comp. so fight all the way i did. to such a conclusion. While it may have a been a draw(a hard earned one), I was outplayed for long periods in the match. Great opening, trashy mid game, before struggling to a draw. Way too rusty after 3 years. Couldn't even see through certain moves by the comp. But i wasn't convinced. I can win this, i thought, so here comes the rematch.

FAIL. And another waste of time. Damn the comp for being so good at eating my pawns. I give up. for now. need to find a way to brush up my skills again...
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