You're an insecure person. You hate uncertainty, especially the uncertainty you face where no one is really sure of their duties and boundaries, and you end up having to play aardwolf at work.
You miss a clearly defined rank structure, where someone much higher than you usually doesn't *********. You miss a competent boss who can discipline you when you screw up, it is a sign of your submissiveness and a possible hint of sado-masochist tendencies.It is clear that you need a dominant woman in your life. (I know Jameson definitely doesn't miss the boss bit about army).
You fear to tread where no man has stepped before, and you find security in rules, routine, regulations and regular results i.e. not risk taker. You feel uncomfortable without a sense of direction or a guiding compass. You feel that SOPs have to be well-oiled, regulations kept up to date, or the world will come to an end in the hands of incompetents.
You probably distrust your own abilities and judgement calls, a probable sign of low self-esteem. This may have resulted from being unable to cope with problems when you screw up, as there was no SOP. As a result, you deride those you deem inferior to you, such as a boss who cannot give clear instructions or discipline their underlings when they play aardwolf during office hours. Also, you prefer to play carry heroes in DotA which usually own without too much difficulty, hence -random agi. In a way, it is a method of self-preservation, and prevents your self-esteem from hitting an all-time low.However, this should be largely mitigated when *************.
Missing army, there is also a possibility that you miss the comfort that an almost all-male organisation provides you, and hate the uncertainty and dangerous grounds posed by frequently unpredictable females.
What you need:
Work:Sign on, or work within an MNC where there are well-established rules and SOP, where everyday passes without a hitch, and every emergency is attended to, if not efficiently, but surely swiftly and with certainty.That, or work in SMEs where you have good connections and the opportunities to rise up very fast. Once you are at the top, you will certainly be free to establish a set of well-oiled SOP, controls, and balances. You will be entitledto be a control freak, if you ever were one as dyS3. Oh, and you'll be free to play as much aardwolf as you like in the office.
Life:If you feel yourself to be completely without direction in life, and feel totally hopeless when you screw up, you can immerse yourself totally in religious fervour, which is not without precedent in our class.Alternatively, you can get yourself a dominant lady.
PS I'm sorry rard this is nowhere as near as Barnum's statements but at least it's personalised. Really.
PPS To others who read this, ***** parts are those which I have deleted on rard's request.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
As strange as this may sound, I find myself missing army. To be more specific, I miss the organization of army. I miss the system well set in place where everyone knows their duties and boundaries. I miss a clearly defined ranking structure. I miss a competent boss that can give me clear instructions and discipline me when I screw up. I miss having upper-studies whom you can turn to for advice. I miss a well-oiled SOP to follow, with in-built checks and balances to correct you when you make a mistake.
Maybe i should quit and go join an MNC or something.
(So sc what do u think this says about my personality?)
Maybe i should quit and go join an MNC or something.
(So sc what do u think this says about my personality?)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
how about this
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
one word search per day
Monday, February 15, 2010
more word searches
Sunday, February 14, 2010
sc can advise?

since sc was so astonishing with his word search, y not help me again! i need an imba word, especially now that imba words give rewards. If your word is powerful(long), you'll get a gem tile(hence all the colours u see there). They give damage boost and add effects. The green one(emerald) heals and does 20% bonus damage, the purple(amethyst) poisons and deals 15% bonus damage, the blue(sapphire) freezes and gives 25% bonus damage, the orange(garnet) weakens and gives 30% bonus damage, while the white one is the imba one. diamond tile. fully heals, gives 1 of every potion, and gives 100% damage boost. I got this from the word citizenry, which now resides in my hall of fame. The other tiles are gotten from weaker words.
so help me get a good word! go for length first. that's the first priority. if u can, put the 'y' in. that's second. third is if u cannot get a really long one, go for either words that are metals or colours. they do bonus damage this round. 'white' is around but is a little short. yellowish is short of 1 L, and stealthily is short of 1 L too. wittily feels very wasted. any good words? use up any of the gem tiles if u have to. try to go for 9 letters and above. uneasily is there wif 8. so is alienist.
and feel free to help too, every other reader!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hi everyone!
Wishing you all a happy and prosperous CNY in the year of the tiger! All the best in your endeavours, and for those flying off for studies this year, enjoy your last CNY for a long time :)
Wishing you all a happy and prosperous CNY in the year of the tiger! All the best in your endeavours, and for those flying off for studies this year, enjoy your last CNY for a long time :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It is done
Armed with my old arsenal of tactics, the lvl 7 comp has fallen. yay.

For snivelling critics who think it's a fluke, i let the comp have a rematch.

Tough it may be, but it can be done. wooh.
For those wondering where the 2 draws went to, i'm wondering about the same thing. I'm still very proud of those draws, and i hope they haven't been deleted. I fought very hard for those draws, cuz the comp outplayed me for long periods. oh well. nvm. win is still better.

For snivelling critics who think it's a fluke, i let the comp have a rematch.

Tough it may be, but it can be done. wooh.
For those wondering where the 2 draws went to, i'm wondering about the same thing. I'm still very proud of those draws, and i hope they haven't been deleted. I fought very hard for those draws, cuz the comp outplayed me for long periods. oh well. nvm. win is still better.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Well, sc wanted a post to somehow correct his inet problem. so here it is.
The title is simple enough, and it is one that strikes nearer home than most of us care to admit. but that doesn't mean they don't exist. In fact, they're all over the place. so much that apart from lz and jameson, rard and kel and even sc is discussing about them while i'm still totally clueless. Care to fill me in?
Ok on with the discussion. Every girl, just like every other human being, is unique. There can therefore be no classification for them. How then, can people still classify them? By our own criteria.and when you classify something according to a criteria, you have to first define your criteria, considering everybody has a different set. So something like "I think that girl is damn chio" is ambiguous. Why? Where? How? all these questions remain to be answered.
aiya i feel like sleeping le. it's 11.30pm alrdy.i shall abruptly end this little intellectual discussion. Feel free to continue it if u want to. and i hope this solves ur problem sc.
The title is simple enough, and it is one that strikes nearer home than most of us care to admit. but that doesn't mean they don't exist. In fact, they're all over the place. so much that apart from lz and jameson, rard and kel and even sc is discussing about them while i'm still totally clueless. Care to fill me in?
Ok on with the discussion. Every girl, just like every other human being, is unique. There can therefore be no classification for them. How then, can people still classify them? By our own criteria.and when you classify something according to a criteria, you have to first define your criteria, considering everybody has a different set. So something like "I think that girl is damn chio" is ambiguous. Why? Where? How? all these questions remain to be answered.
aiya i feel like sleeping le. it's 11.30pm alrdy.i shall abruptly end this little intellectual discussion. Feel free to continue it if u want to. and i hope this solves ur problem sc.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
BBC sitcom
I just spent the past hour watching this bbc sitcom series called Coupling on youtube, and it's quite amusing haha. Thought i'd share it on uber cos i dunno how long my motivation to post here will continue..
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Hello, all.
*waits for gasps of astonishment to subside*
Okay, for reasons unbeknownst to me, YS' prev post inspired me to write a similar entry as well. Rest assured I will notbore you out engage you intellectually in the intricacies of chess strategy. I shall instead talk about a new game, well not so much new as an old game I used to play in the past, that I am currently occupied with.
As some of you may already know, my current job in Eunos leaves me a lot of spare time throughout the day due to the coughefficiencycough in which I accomplish my tasks. Having nothing else to do, I decided to re-visit this online mmorpg that i used to play in P5. That's like, 10 years ago. Surprisingly, my game-friends who used to play with me in sec sch are STILL playing the game.. So I started chatting with them, and one thing led to another, which ended up in me creating a new character in that game.
Aardwolf is a text-based MUD (multi-user dungeon) that looks similiar to that of a DOS interface. It's entirely text-based, like for eg. if u wanted to move, u would type "north" or "down", and if u wanted to kill someone u would type "kill". This is how a typical game situation may look like.
***********************START SAMPLE*********************
What be thy name, adventurer?
Existing profile loaded - please enter your password.
Password: ******
Welcome to Aardwolf
May your adventures be mystical, challenging and rewarding.
(Friend) Redryn: 'hi drareg'
(Friend) Candlejack Resiliang: 'IN AMERICA'
>> ft heys
You tell your friends: 'heys'
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 100% | Qt: 10 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> wake
You wake and stand up.
Among the Philosophes (G)
To the south of the Grand Plaza is a magnificent Stoa built entirely of
white marble. A series of steps lead into the body proper of the building,
which is encircled by peristyle ionic columns and decorated in the ionic
style. The greatest minds of all Andolor congregate here to debate matters
of philosophy, or just to think great thoughts in the same corridors where
thinkers past have done so. The most sought-out magister of them all is
Questor, who dispenses worldly knowledge and experience by giving
assignments to those who ask. Those who yearn for knowledge and
understanding flock to the Stoa, and they are never disappointed. Any time
of day or night, conversations can be heard on subjects as lofty as the
meaning of life and the nature of death and the hereafter.
[Exits: north east south up]
A long elegant steel sword catches your attention.
Espol the Elementalist is here.
(W) (Linkdead) Gymer the Berserker is here.
Flyswapper the Berserker is here.
(W) Nei :3 is sleeping here.
Victoire the duck. quack. is sleeping in a trivia sleeping bag.
(W) Mathoran the Berserker. is sleeping here.
The world famous Master Questor of Aylor hands out quests to adventurers.
>> runto gallows
Running to: Gallows Hill
Breaking out into the field of Gallows Hill
[Exits: north south]
A peasant is here harvesting rye grain from the field.
A black cat is here, trying to cross paths with you.
A furry little field mouse scampers around here. [TARGET]
A drunk peasant stands here, wobbling back and forth.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 93% | Qt: 50 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> k mous
[1] Your stab **** DESTROYS **** A field mouse! [96]
A field mouse is slain by a final deadly stab!!
You receive 186 experience points.
You have set your character to receive no experience points!
QUEST: You have almost completed your QUEST!
Return to the questmaster before your time runs out.
You get 1 gold coin from the perforated corpse of A field mouse.
Ayla gives you 1 gold coin for the perforated corpse of A field mouse.
You inform Questor that you have completed your quest.
Questor tells you 'Congratulations Drareg on completing your quest!'
Questor tells you 'As a reward, I am giving you 10 quest points and 2636 gold.'
You gain an extra 2 quest points 'MCCP Bonus'.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 99% | Qt: 30 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> sleep
You go to sleep.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 99% | Qt: 30 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
***********************END SAMPLE*********************
So this is what I have been spending my time at work on..."super newbie-ing", or in other words staying at level 1 and continue doing quests to accumulate quest points. Since quests can only be done once every 30mins, it complements my work well as i can do work and while waiting 30mins for my next quest. Sometimes you may even see me afk in dota for a short while, as I go do my quest while waiting for hero to respawn. Hehheh.
Anyway, despite the lack of a graphic interface, I have been hooked on this game ever since I started it again 5 days ago. Even between the 30mins waiting for quest, I wander around exploring and chat to my friends on the game. I fear my colleagues or worse, my boss will find out sooner or later =\
If any of you are wondering, you don't need to install anything to play this game. Any computer with an internet connection can start playing. Start --> run --> telnet --> type "open 4010" --> create new character. It's that easy.
Okay, enough about my obsessing. YS' list of games inspires me to pen down my list of games as well. If any of you want to borrow, pls tell me so this game doesn't get wasted.
List of games which I have impulsively bought over the last 2 years and never got down to finish playing
1. Red Alert 3 (currently with cuz kel)
2. Tiberium Wars
3. Assassin's Creed (got bored halfway)
4. Overlord
5. Crysis: Warhead (realized i dun really enjoy FPS =S)
6. Fallout 3 (combat is abit boring)
7. Mass Effect (I used a cheat code for infinite money and it got too easy lol)
8. Far Cry 2 (same as s/n 5)
9. Borderlands (the graphics engine keep crashing on my comp! damn all nvidia games)
10. Dragon Age: Origins (my most recent game. cuz kel bought it for me from JB. has potential to be great fun!)
11. World of Goo (bought this on steam cos it looked cute. puzzle game; i got stuck halfway)
12. World of Warcraft (stopped subscription since I'm working now)
List of games yet to come out that I may consider buying
A. Diablo III (omg omg omg yeahhh must-buy)
B. Mass Effect 2 (eh...i dunno, no point buying if i dun finish the first one)
C. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (um lol, i only just started on wrath of the lich king. see how ba)
List of finished games
I. Batman: Arkham Asylum (really good! highly recommended)
II. Prototype (currently with cuz kel)
III. Portal
IV. Plants vs Zombies
V. Prince of Persia
List of games from so long ago I won't consider playing them le
Guild Wars, Guild Wars: Factions, Guild Wars: Nightfall
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
Battle for Middle Earth (currently with kel feng)
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Neverwinter Nights II (currently with cuz kel)
Okay shid, after compiling this list I realize that I freaking spent A LOT of money on games that I don't play. I feel super guilty now...all you guys interested in any of the above plz let me know so that my shelf doesn't look so full of games.
Final note: I find the following sentence rather ironic -- "despite hardly having any games, I've always had good games to entertain me" -- eh isnt that like self-contradictory? Ok anyway, YS send me the bookworm game! Another game to add to my list of half-played games :)
*waits for gasps of astonishment to subside*
Okay, for reasons unbeknownst to me, YS' prev post inspired me to write a similar entry as well. Rest assured I will not
As some of you may already know, my current job in Eunos leaves me a lot of spare time throughout the day due to the coughefficiencycough in which I accomplish my tasks. Having nothing else to do, I decided to re-visit this online mmorpg that i used to play in P5. That's like, 10 years ago. Surprisingly, my game-friends who used to play with me in sec sch are STILL playing the game.. So I started chatting with them, and one thing led to another, which ended up in me creating a new character in that game.
Aardwolf is a text-based MUD (multi-user dungeon) that looks similiar to that of a DOS interface. It's entirely text-based, like for eg. if u wanted to move, u would type "north" or "down", and if u wanted to kill someone u would type "kill
***********************START SAMPLE*********************
What be thy name, adventurer?
Existing profile loaded - please enter your password.
Password: ******
Welcome to Aardwolf
May your adventures be mystical, challenging and rewarding.
(Friend) Redryn: 'hi drareg'
(Friend) Candlejack Resiliang: 'IN AMERICA'
>> ft heys
You tell your friends: 'heys'
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 100% | Qt: 10 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> wake
You wake and stand up.
Among the Philosophes (G)
To the south of the Grand Plaza is a magnificent Stoa built entirely of
white marble. A series of steps lead into the body proper of the building,
which is encircled by peristyle ionic columns and decorated in the ionic
style. The greatest minds of all Andolor congregate here to debate matters
of philosophy, or just to think great thoughts in the same corridors where
thinkers past have done so. The most sought-out magister of them all is
Questor, who dispenses worldly knowledge and experience by giving
assignments to those who ask. Those who yearn for knowledge and
understanding flock to the Stoa, and they are never disappointed. Any time
of day or night, conversations can be heard on subjects as lofty as the
meaning of life and the nature of death and the hereafter.
[Exits: north east south up]
A long elegant steel sword catches your attention.
Espol the Elementalist is here.
(W) (Linkdead) Gymer the Berserker is here.
Flyswapper the Berserker is here.
(W) Nei :3 is sleeping here.
Victoire the duck. quack. is sleeping in a trivia sleeping bag.
(W) Mathoran the Berserker. is sleeping here.
The world famous Master Questor of Aylor hands out quests to adventurers.
>> runto gallows
Running to: Gallows Hill
Breaking out into the field of Gallows Hill
[Exits: north south]
A peasant is here harvesting rye grain from the field.
A black cat is here, trying to cross paths with you.
A furry little field mouse scampers around here. [TARGET]
A drunk peasant stands here, wobbling back and forth.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 93% | Qt: 50 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> k mous
[1] Your stab **** DESTROYS **** A field mouse! [96]
A field mouse is slain by a final deadly stab!!
You receive 186 experience points.
You have set your character to receive no experience points!
QUEST: You have almost completed your QUEST!
Return to the questmaster before your time runs out.
You get 1 gold coin from the perforated corpse of A field mouse.
Ayla gives you 1 gold coin for the perforated corpse of A field mouse.
You inform Questor that you have completed your quest.
Questor tells you 'Congratulations Drareg on completing your quest!'
Questor tells you 'As a reward, I am giving you 10 quest points and 2636 gold.'
You gain an extra 2 quest points 'MCCP Bonus'.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 99% | Qt: 30 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
>> sleep
You go to sleep.
[HP: 100% | MP: 100% | MV: 99% | Qt: 30 | Tnl: 1060] *[NOEXP]*
***********************END SAMPLE*********************
So this is what I have been spending my time at work on..."super newbie-ing", or in other words staying at level 1 and continue doing quests to accumulate quest points. Since quests can only be done once every 30mins, it complements my work well as i can do work and while waiting 30mins for my next quest. Sometimes you may even see me afk in dota for a short while, as I go do my quest while waiting for hero to respawn. Hehheh.
Anyway, despite the lack of a graphic interface, I have been hooked on this game ever since I started it again 5 days ago. Even between the 30mins waiting for quest, I wander around exploring and chat to my friends on the game. I fear my colleagues or worse, my boss will find out sooner or later =\
If any of you are wondering, you don't need to install anything to play this game. Any computer with an internet connection can start playing. Start --> run --> telnet --> type "open 4010" --> create new character. It's that easy.
Okay, enough about my obsessing. YS' list of games inspires me to pen down my list of games as well. If any of you want to borrow, pls tell me so this game doesn't get wasted.
List of games which I have impulsively bought over the last 2 years and never got down to finish playing
1. Red Alert 3 (currently with cuz kel)
2. Tiberium Wars
3. Assassin's Creed (got bored halfway)
4. Overlord
5. Crysis: Warhead (realized i dun really enjoy FPS =S)
6. Fallout 3 (combat is abit boring)
7. Mass Effect (I used a cheat code for infinite money and it got too easy lol)
8. Far Cry 2 (same as s/n 5)
9. Borderlands (the graphics engine keep crashing on my comp! damn all nvidia games)
10. Dragon Age: Origins (my most recent game. cuz kel bought it for me from JB. has potential to be great fun!)
11. World of Goo (bought this on steam cos it looked cute. puzzle game; i got stuck halfway)
12. World of Warcraft (stopped subscription since I'm working now)
List of games yet to come out that I may consider buying
A. Diablo III (omg omg omg yeahhh must-buy)
B. Mass Effect 2 (eh...i dunno, no point buying if i dun finish the first one)
C. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (um lol, i only just started on wrath of the lich king. see how ba)
List of finished games
I. Batman: Arkham Asylum (really good! highly recommended)
II. Prototype (currently with cuz kel)
III. Portal
IV. Plants vs Zombies
V. Prince of Persia
List of games from so long ago I won't consider playing them le
Guild Wars, Guild Wars: Factions, Guild Wars: Nightfall
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
Battle for Middle Earth (currently with kel feng)
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Neverwinter Nights II (currently with cuz kel)
Okay shid, after compiling this list I realize that I freaking spent A LOT of money on games that I don't play. I feel super guilty now...all you guys interested in any of the above plz let me know so that my shelf doesn't look so full of games.
Final note: I find the following sentence rather ironic -- "despite hardly having any games, I've always had good games to entertain me" -- eh isnt that like self-contradictory? Ok anyway, YS send me the bookworm game! Another game to add to my list of half-played games :)
Friday, February 05, 2010
This is the 500th post on this blog! wooh. and what better way to celebrate it than to post nonsense! so here goes.
Ok actually all this isn't nonsense. at least to me. but i suspect it's gonna be a whole load of rubbish to most of you.
Anyway, i found a new nice game! Somehow, despite hardly having any games, i've always had good games to entertain me. So while i can be envious of the amount of games other people have, i have nothing to complain about when it comes to nice games. Over the years, i've had
1. Journey to the West (this was a DOS game, impossible for you to find ever again)
2. Recoil
3. Heroes of Might ad Magic III
4. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
5. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
6. Caesar 2
7. Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004
8. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
9. Left 4 Dead
10.Plants vs Zombies
11.Chess Titans
and now... ...
12.Bookworm Adventures Deluxe!

Ok i know it looks kiddy. But it's fun! It's free! and it's only about 22mb in size! and best of all, it improves your english!!! What more can you ask from a game? Basically you spell words using the tiles provided. the longer the word, the more the damage! Then you can gain experience and collect items and potions along the way to completing your quest. wooh. Try finding as long a word as possible from the above picture! I managed to get quite a long word and hit the boss hard, eventually winning without using potions. but do try finding! so i can see if i missed out on some imba word.
Next up, we have a commentary on game number 11! Chess titans! Since level 7 comp was really tough and i haven't had practice in a long time, i decided to train against level 5. and after 11 games, i think i'm finally ready to take on level 7 again. My arsenal of tactics are coming back =)
Game 5: positional tactics

I was slowly plodding along trying to improve my position. to no avail. but note that it somehow managed to produce a stalemate where neither side has captured anything after dunno how many moves. insane tension.
Game 10: much better positional tactics

The opening was sicilian. and while black attempted to undermine my strong pawn chain, i manage to chance upon the strategy of attacking him on the kingside while his forces were positioned on the queenside. It was devastating. He had to sacrifice pieces against my pawn wall just to gain mobility to mobilise his forces to the kingside. which was still not enough.
Game 11: Blitzkrieg
This game was amazingly fast and was even more morale boosting than the previous game. and i could see the use of most of the moves. yay.
Chess notations: K - king, Q - queen, N - knight, B - bishop, R - rook, x - capture, + - check, # - checkmate, 0-0 - kingside castling, 0-0-0 - queenside castling, ! - good move, ? - bad move, !? - interesting move,
?! - dubious move, !! - excellent move, ?? - blunder
1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Nf6
3. Nf3
I offered black an important central pawn in a gambit to develop my forces quickly.
3. ... Nxe4
Black accepts the gambit.
4. Nc3 Nxc3
5. dxc3 e4?!
Black pushes his pawn out of harm's way further down the board, threatening my knight. However, his forces are not developed enough and he should instead have supported his e5 pawn with f6, preventing my scalding attack.
6. Ng5!
I now have a fierce attack on the f7 square, and this threat is hard to cope with.
6. ... f5
Black pushes his f pawn out of harm's way, supporting the e4 pawn at the same time. but it still doesn't solve the problem on f7.
7. Nf7
My knight moves in to fork the queen and rook.
7. ... Qe7
8. Nxh8 c5
9. 0-0 Qh4?
Aiming at the weak h2 pawn is good, but doing so prematurely and without support just doesn't make sense.
I found this brilliant move which brings my knight back into play from the obscure h8 corner while threatening to trap the black queen with 11.Bg5!.
10. ... Qf6
Moving his queen away from the intended trap.
11.Bg5 Qb6
The black queen threatens the now unguarded b2 pawn, but the removal of the queen from the d8-h4 diagonal, coupled with the occupation of it by my bishop, has trapped the black king.
There's no need to guard the b2 pawn as i now threaten Bf7# checkmate.
12. ... Bd6
Opening up an escape square for the king while threatening my knight.
The introduction of my queen into the fray proves fatal for the black king.
13. ... Kf8

14.Qf7# 9-2
14 moves. how fast is that. and notice how my 2 bishops and knight is swarming all over black's area while his forces are still at their starting positions. damn nice game. I didn't even need to capture a single pawn. time for level 7.
Ok actually all this isn't nonsense. at least to me. but i suspect it's gonna be a whole load of rubbish to most of you.
Anyway, i found a new nice game! Somehow, despite hardly having any games, i've always had good games to entertain me. So while i can be envious of the amount of games other people have, i have nothing to complain about when it comes to nice games. Over the years, i've had
1. Journey to the West (this was a DOS game, impossible for you to find ever again)
2. Recoil
3. Heroes of Might ad Magic III
4. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
5. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
6. Caesar 2
7. Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004
8. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
9. Left 4 Dead
10.Plants vs Zombies
11.Chess Titans
and now... ...
12.Bookworm Adventures Deluxe!

Ok i know it looks kiddy. But it's fun! It's free! and it's only about 22mb in size! and best of all, it improves your english!!! What more can you ask from a game? Basically you spell words using the tiles provided. the longer the word, the more the damage! Then you can gain experience and collect items and potions along the way to completing your quest. wooh. Try finding as long a word as possible from the above picture! I managed to get quite a long word and hit the boss hard, eventually winning without using potions. but do try finding! so i can see if i missed out on some imba word.
Next up, we have a commentary on game number 11! Chess titans! Since level 7 comp was really tough and i haven't had practice in a long time, i decided to train against level 5. and after 11 games, i think i'm finally ready to take on level 7 again. My arsenal of tactics are coming back =)
Game 5: positional tactics

I was slowly plodding along trying to improve my position. to no avail. but note that it somehow managed to produce a stalemate where neither side has captured anything after dunno how many moves. insane tension.
Game 10: much better positional tactics

The opening was sicilian. and while black attempted to undermine my strong pawn chain, i manage to chance upon the strategy of attacking him on the kingside while his forces were positioned on the queenside. It was devastating. He had to sacrifice pieces against my pawn wall just to gain mobility to mobilise his forces to the kingside. which was still not enough.
Game 11: Blitzkrieg
This game was amazingly fast and was even more morale boosting than the previous game. and i could see the use of most of the moves. yay.
Chess notations: K - king, Q - queen, N - knight, B - bishop, R - rook, x - capture, + - check, # - checkmate, 0-0 - kingside castling, 0-0-0 - queenside castling, ! - good move, ? - bad move, !? - interesting move,
?! - dubious move, !! - excellent move, ?? - blunder
1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Nf6
3. Nf3
I offered black an important central pawn in a gambit to develop my forces quickly.
3. ... Nxe4
Black accepts the gambit.
4. Nc3 Nxc3
5. dxc3 e4?!
Black pushes his pawn out of harm's way further down the board, threatening my knight. However, his forces are not developed enough and he should instead have supported his e5 pawn with f6, preventing my scalding attack.
6. Ng5!
I now have a fierce attack on the f7 square, and this threat is hard to cope with.
6. ... f5
Black pushes his f pawn out of harm's way, supporting the e4 pawn at the same time. but it still doesn't solve the problem on f7.
7. Nf7
My knight moves in to fork the queen and rook.
7. ... Qe7
8. Nxh8 c5
9. 0-0 Qh4?
Aiming at the weak h2 pawn is good, but doing so prematurely and without support just doesn't make sense.
I found this brilliant move which brings my knight back into play from the obscure h8 corner while threatening to trap the black queen with 11.Bg5!.
10. ... Qf6
Moving his queen away from the intended trap.
11.Bg5 Qb6
The black queen threatens the now unguarded b2 pawn, but the removal of the queen from the d8-h4 diagonal, coupled with the occupation of it by my bishop, has trapped the black king.
There's no need to guard the b2 pawn as i now threaten Bf7# checkmate.
12. ... Bd6
Opening up an escape square for the king while threatening my knight.
The introduction of my queen into the fray proves fatal for the black king.
13. ... Kf8

14.Qf7# 9-2
14 moves. how fast is that. and notice how my 2 bishops and knight is swarming all over black's area while his forces are still at their starting positions. damn nice game. I didn't even need to capture a single pawn. time for level 7.
$219.70 data usage
hello people, this is aimed at gerard occ and jameson.
bloody hell, that time go out with you all dunno which of you(read jameson) play with my phone and surfed 22mb of idk wat. now m1 slaps me with a $224.70 data bill charged at 10c/10kb. they were kind enough to give me a $5 discount-.-
bloody hell, that time go out with you all dunno which of you(read jameson) play with my phone and surfed 22mb of idk wat. now m1 slaps me with a $224.70 data bill charged at 10c/10kb. they were kind enough to give me a $5 discount-.-
Monday, February 01, 2010
this blog is a nice place for me to vent my frustration because the parties involved will not see this(i think). So for all of you reading this, u can just ignore it.
ok i've had enough. All you faggots out there. Just because i'm nice to you does not mean u must use this 'niceness' to your advantage! Damn you ppl for eyeing that private stash of mine! You know how hard it took me to amass it? do you know? you fucking don't! You ppl wif all your unlimited canteen breaks, all your clubbing and all your good food! while me? I had none! I ate cookhouse food for 1 yr 10 months! ALL of it! every single day! I scrimped on food, on transport, on any and every fucking thing you can think of. n here you are thinking i have alot of money. You think if i had alot of money i would be doing this? huh? You think that this small amount of money u're touching will not change my financial position much? let me tell you, it does, you stupid noob shit. It's because u think like that that i have this stash and u don't! becuz u think $2 canteen food doesn't matter! but me? i saved on all that, all right? So FUCK OFF! I'm already on the verge of shifting that all into my mum's acct, so all u get is a blank empty acct.
hmm ok. this just makes me realise that i'm becoming like someone. very nice to fringe friends, nice to friends, and not so nice to closer friends. so to those closer to me(chances are you'll be reading this), sorry for all the shit i've given u ppl. i'll be nicer to u ppl!
ok i've had enough. All you faggots out there. Just because i'm nice to you does not mean u must use this 'niceness' to your advantage! Damn you ppl for eyeing that private stash of mine! You know how hard it took me to amass it? do you know? you fucking don't! You ppl wif all your unlimited canteen breaks, all your clubbing and all your good food! while me? I had none! I ate cookhouse food for 1 yr 10 months! ALL of it! every single day! I scrimped on food, on transport, on any and every fucking thing you can think of. n here you are thinking i have alot of money. You think if i had alot of money i would be doing this? huh? You think that this small amount of money u're touching will not change my financial position much? let me tell you, it does, you stupid noob shit. It's because u think like that that i have this stash and u don't! becuz u think $2 canteen food doesn't matter! but me? i saved on all that, all right? So FUCK OFF! I'm already on the verge of shifting that all into my mum's acct, so all u get is a blank empty acct.
hmm ok. this just makes me realise that i'm becoming like someone. very nice to fringe friends, nice to friends, and not so nice to closer friends. so to those closer to me(chances are you'll be reading this), sorry for all the shit i've given u ppl. i'll be nicer to u ppl!
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