since sc was so astonishing with his word search, y not help me again! i need an imba word, especially now that imba words give rewards. If your word is powerful(long), you'll get a gem tile(hence all the colours u see there). They give damage boost and add effects. The green one(emerald) heals and does 20% bonus damage, the purple(amethyst) poisons and deals 15% bonus damage, the blue(sapphire) freezes and gives 25% bonus damage, the orange(garnet) weakens and gives 30% bonus damage, while the white one is the imba one. diamond tile. fully heals, gives 1 of every potion, and gives 100% damage boost. I got this from the word citizenry, which now resides in my hall of fame. The other tiles are gotten from weaker words.
so help me get a good word! go for length first. that's the first priority. if u can, put the 'y' in. that's second. third is if u cannot get a really long one, go for either words that are metals or colours. they do bonus damage this round. 'white' is around but is a little short. yellowish is short of 1 L, and stealthily is short of 1 L too. wittily feels very wasted. any good words? use up any of the gem tiles if u have to. try to go for 9 letters and above. uneasily is there wif 8. so is alienist.
and feel free to help too, every other reader!
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