Ok actually all this isn't nonsense. at least to me. but i suspect it's gonna be a whole load of rubbish to most of you.
Anyway, i found a new nice game! Somehow, despite hardly having any games, i've always had good games to entertain me. So while i can be envious of the amount of games other people have, i have nothing to complain about when it comes to nice games. Over the years, i've had
1. Journey to the West (this was a DOS game, impossible for you to find ever again)
2. Recoil
3. Heroes of Might ad Magic III
4. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
5. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
6. Caesar 2
7. Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004
8. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
9. Left 4 Dead
10.Plants vs Zombies
11.Chess Titans
and now... ...
12.Bookworm Adventures Deluxe!

Ok i know it looks kiddy. But it's fun! It's free! and it's only about 22mb in size! and best of all, it improves your english!!! What more can you ask from a game? Basically you spell words using the tiles provided. the longer the word, the more the damage! Then you can gain experience and collect items and potions along the way to completing your quest. wooh. Try finding as long a word as possible from the above picture! I managed to get quite a long word and hit the boss hard, eventually winning without using potions. but do try finding! so i can see if i missed out on some imba word.
Next up, we have a commentary on game number 11! Chess titans! Since level 7 comp was really tough and i haven't had practice in a long time, i decided to train against level 5. and after 11 games, i think i'm finally ready to take on level 7 again. My arsenal of tactics are coming back =)
Game 5: positional tactics

I was slowly plodding along trying to improve my position. to no avail. but note that it somehow managed to produce a stalemate where neither side has captured anything after dunno how many moves. insane tension.
Game 10: much better positional tactics

The opening was sicilian. and while black attempted to undermine my strong pawn chain, i manage to chance upon the strategy of attacking him on the kingside while his forces were positioned on the queenside. It was devastating. He had to sacrifice pieces against my pawn wall just to gain mobility to mobilise his forces to the kingside. which was still not enough.
Game 11: Blitzkrieg
This game was amazingly fast and was even more morale boosting than the previous game. and i could see the use of most of the moves. yay.
Chess notations: K - king, Q - queen, N - knight, B - bishop, R - rook, x - capture, + - check, # - checkmate, 0-0 - kingside castling, 0-0-0 - queenside castling, ! - good move, ? - bad move, !? - interesting move,
?! - dubious move, !! - excellent move, ?? - blunder
1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Nf6
3. Nf3
I offered black an important central pawn in a gambit to develop my forces quickly.
3. ... Nxe4
Black accepts the gambit.
4. Nc3 Nxc3
5. dxc3 e4?!
Black pushes his pawn out of harm's way further down the board, threatening my knight. However, his forces are not developed enough and he should instead have supported his e5 pawn with f6, preventing my scalding attack.
6. Ng5!
I now have a fierce attack on the f7 square, and this threat is hard to cope with.
6. ... f5
Black pushes his f pawn out of harm's way, supporting the e4 pawn at the same time. but it still doesn't solve the problem on f7.
7. Nf7
My knight moves in to fork the queen and rook.
7. ... Qe7
8. Nxh8 c5
9. 0-0 Qh4?
Aiming at the weak h2 pawn is good, but doing so prematurely and without support just doesn't make sense.
I found this brilliant move which brings my knight back into play from the obscure h8 corner while threatening to trap the black queen with 11.Bg5!.
10. ... Qf6
Moving his queen away from the intended trap.
11.Bg5 Qb6
The black queen threatens the now unguarded b2 pawn, but the removal of the queen from the d8-h4 diagonal, coupled with the occupation of it by my bishop, has trapped the black king.
There's no need to guard the b2 pawn as i now threaten Bf7# checkmate.
12. ... Bd6
Opening up an escape square for the king while threatening my knight.
The introduction of my queen into the fray proves fatal for the black king.
13. ... Kf8

14.Qf7# 9-2
14 moves. how fast is that. and notice how my 2 bishops and knight is swarming all over black's area while his forces are still at their starting positions. damn nice game. I didn't even need to capture a single pawn. time for level 7.
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