Saturday, November 11, 2006

Class outing! and the weird boy we met on the mrt

Whee! i'm here to offer another account of the class outing! a different perspective! haha. Chinny rocks. his phone can't run out of memory one. haha

Anyway, the class outing. Unlike Gen who doesn't like somewhat a recount of the day's activities, i'm a bit more like chinny. haha so i'm gonna more like provide a recount of the day's activities =)

Woke up at 7am(as usual) and slack arnd and stone arnd and watch my bro play until i realised that i was late, for meeting the guys that is. So i rushed out of my house at 9.40 and managed to reach marina square by 10.30. damn fast lah. Only to realise that the lan shop only opens at 11 and so technically i wasn't really late as the rest of them who had arrived there earlier were just slacking arnd as well. so yeah we slacked arnd the lan shop until it was slightly pass 11. but a simple peer through the windows told us there was no one at the counter yet. Only then did we realise that the door has long been unlocked and that we cld go in. We found the shop keeper SLEEPING behind the comps in the lan shop. haha. aiyo sleepyhead... so we woke him up and proceeded with our games.

Game 1 teamings:
Zhang Yin- Phantom Lancer
Yong Sheng-Broodmother
Shun Cheng-Ursa Warrior
Stranger-Pandaren Brewmaster

Wing Chung-Goblin Techies
Liu Peng-Necrolyte
Xun Yong-Priestess of the Moon
Lu Zhou-Lightning Revenant
Kelvin-Bone Fletcher

Which we allowed a stranger to join us as we only had 9 ppl. but he lagged out soon and chinny arrived soon after so that game was shortlived. which was not very good cuz i had alrdy drew first blood while soloing in lp and wing's lane. but nvm rard must hav felt worse. His hooks were damn nice lah. and zhang yin's phantom lancer was pro. zy and rard were like the best players in that short game. but oh well, so the stranger left and chinny joined us! yay!

Game 2 teamings:
Shun Cheng-Lifestealer
Kelvin-Goblin Techies
Chin Ee-Dwarven Sniper
Zhang Yin-Morphling
Xun Yong-Priestess of the Moon

Yong Sheng-Netherdrake
Wing Chung-Doom Bringer
Liu Peng-Vengeful Spirit
Lu Zhou-Lightning Revenant

So we began another game. Zhang yin's morphling was really lousy lah. he shld play pl instead next time. His hero was just like some... big backdooring creep? Wing was some gay farmer, luzhou also, and Chinny was some quiet gay farmer. lol. Rard's hooks weren't as pro as his first game's ones, Shun cheng only became powerful late game, and xun yong ran arnd 'hum ji' ing. haha but his invis was nice. Special mention now goes to Kelvin and Liu Peng, who i think were the best players in this game. Kelvin was really really irritating with his stasis traps, forcing me countless times to either give up my kill, or get killed instead. Lp's swaps were really really impressive, from killing an enemy to saving a teammate. Okay that's about all about dota. Nothing much about myself cuz i think i sucked. But i got top score anyway! Whee! Chinny second and Kelvin third.

So yup after that we went for lunch. Shun Cheng left us here to go for some cip thing at bedok. And i was busy contacting everyone else who was coming, but who wasn't there yet, about how to get to us. Bought my food, then left it to go and pick up Haohui and Lishan. Anyway, we had quite a nice lunch, and then while lp and zy went off to join kel and xy who didn't want to have lunch and were pooling. So the rest of us stayed arnd in the food court and folded stars from straws! rard teaching chinny and me teaching pin. Sorry pin, my teaching sucked, but hope u did learn how to fold a star!After that we left and went to find the others who were pooling. Opened up a new table with Chinny and Gerard. then Gen, Ellen, Yiting and Trish met us there. But everyone either didn't want to pool anymore, or didnt want to pool at all, so most ppl left for the bowling alley. So i was left with lz and rard. played 1 v 2 pool against them. Swiftly owned them on the first 7 balls, i hit in all my 7 alrdy and they still had 5 left. Then i swiftly owned myself by hitting the black ball into the wrong pocket. Well done me. Anyway, so I left the pool place less than an hour after i arrived, and headed for the bowling alley to join the rest. xy, occ, wing and lz didn't want to play bowling so they left to lan, while me and rard waited for the rest to finish their first game of bowling so we cld join. Bowled a damn lousy score of 113, but then it was my first game and i was just warming up =P Haohui, Ellen, Gen, Lishan, Chinny and me all got strikes. yay. erm did i miss out anyone?

After we finished bowling(lp left us in the middle of bowling), we headed to queensway for dinner. at gen's aunt's place. some restaurant named joe's kitchen. Anyway, on the way there, me, chinny, wing and lz were looking through the photos chinny had taken. there was this particular harmless pic which showed the bowling balls we had used. The pic was totally harmless lah, but lz said smthing which made me and wing didn't want to know him anymore. haha. so he became some weird boy we met on the mrt. So yup, after we alighted at queenstown mrt station, the weird boy followed us down. Squeezed onto some crowded bus and got to our destination. The weird boy happened to follow us too. The food there was quite nice, but lz didn't like it. He disliked veggies, the green curry looked like puke to him, so all he ate was more or less the fish and pinapple rice. that costed him $8. haha think since xy is regretting, lz wld hav gladly swapped with him lah. so yup after the dinner, all of us left for our respective homes, except gen and yt who went to town for some chat or conference or smthing. and me as well, i went to meet a friend before going home. so yup that concluded our fruitful class outing. Whee! Class Chalet next! then Greater Bendigo, Victoria, Australia for me soon!

p.s aiyo my account of events got more and more lousy and shui bian towards the end of the post. haha guess i must be getting sian. lolz cuz my bro is bugging me for the use of the comp to play now. haha.

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