Saturday, November 11, 2006

Class outing... post III

Thank you for yongseng's and chinny's version of class outing haha.. Now for my version, budden i'll make it short lar. Maybe every1 should post their version o.O

Woke up damn early la... although i was thinkin that the outing was @ 1pm, so i lazed around n switched on the computer. sadly, lz pinged me soon after den ask me to go city hall by 10... so i was like... WHAT?! yup... budden still, after lz told me the time, was still evil n slacking until 940 litthat, chatting with rard... woots... be4 making my way there... miraculously... reached city hall damn early at about 958... even though i had to sit a bus n take train from kembagan.. haha, even earlier than rard somemore, considering he lives nearer to the mrt...

Okay, so we walked to marina square where we divided into 2 groups, one went to eat n the other, me n lao p, went to pool....haha.. got owned but nvm... anyway... as ys has elaborated in his post, yea, we played dota after that... n i got owned by zhangyin 1st game... 2nd game was fun cuz i was going around with infinite mana planting mines n traps all over... haha...

afterthat.... some of the guys went to collect the gals at the mrt i presume... n cuz i was being lazy, me n xy ended up pooling again! hhaahah!... okay, xy is realli a natural pool pro i think... got thrashed, although the 1st 2 games we each killed ourselves by hitting the black ball in too early... so we played, den wing, lz, occ, zy, n lao p came n joined us heehee... played pool for real long cuz we were waiting for the rest of the guys to finish flirting n come back... which was after 2 hours i think...

yup, so after that, went bowling and got my ass owned cuz the ball was too oily to spin or grip, for that matter... couldn't find a less oily n suitable one though, sigh... should stick to katong bowl next time... yup... refer to chinny for the pics lolz... haha... anyway i thought that lishan was damn pro for a newbee, or at least she says she is... yar... ellen also in the second game lar... haha... anyway we played 2 games, which took like forever cuz there were 10 ppl in 1 game... n it was really noisy... cuz the sound came from us totally, yup, i hope other bowlers were not too angry =P...

den after the games we took pictures of our PW groups! hmmm, wing, lz, occ and xy were too busy dotaing to take the pictures, so the ED group was left with rard n trish, n mine was left with chinny n myself, haha... took a long long while n became rather boring cuz it was noisy, so i left n went to see those 4 play... to my amazement... occ scored highest in that game... haha.... who would have thought....

Okay, so it was very late, n i knew i would somehow get into trouble if i didn't get home soon, but somehow i felt compelled to stay n have dinner... sigh... i wonder y... so yup, as u noe, i stayed n went alllll the way to queenstown for dinner.... haiz... Y DID I GO THERE?!

hmm, on the other hand, the thai dinner was good... i esp liked the tofu n fish.... dessert was abit redundant cuz the dinner was already very filling... yup, it's a pity there were no photos of the food.... n i wonder... were we given a discount? cuz 8 bucks per person is REALLY CHEAP!!!

Yup... so by the time dinner was over, it was 830 litthat... i.e., gg for me... me n chinny had to sit the torturous ride home, which took me about 1 hr, including bus rides, i dunno about chinny though... haha, on the train i took a picture of the image of 2 of us sitting together on the window... n i found out how stupid the camera was, with all the pixels making the picture blur...

Haha... oh well, got scolded when i got home, as expected, sigh.... well, next time dun hold so many outings!!! =P

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