so today a few of us stayed back in class after school to decorate our homeroom. now we have a gallery/timeline of our shared moments together as a class on the wall behind. and it shall be ever-growing. haha it's beautiful!
p.s. lolol yongsheng shuncheng u 2 r so dead.

our worktable with our materials and tools we used in our hard labour!

chinny looking like he's sitting for an interview.
or meeting tricia's parents =p

shuncheng walking into class and not acknowleding the fruit of our labour

gen's artistic shot of water on table -- making a profound statement on the complexities of human life.

happy birthday lishan! lots and lots of presents!

Romance in 6N new character.
Character role: comic relief
Character background: A solitary figure, wrapped in his private emotions of lonliness and despondence sits in a corner and stares into space. Thoughts chase each other through his mind but one thought rises above all -- where is the love of my life that will enter my world? As his eyes flit across the LT, they fall upon heroine tricia and in that instant something within him clicks.... And so, the competition begins.

the girls shivering under the aircon trying to avoid the cold draft

cute bits of blu-tack needed to stick e photos onto e wall. i mass produce them for my production line.

class gallery 1st draft! looking colourful!

class gallery final edition [thus far] with the plastic on! spot the outstanding photo in the middle.
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