Romance in 6N: Chapter 3

As students hurriedly rush to their next period in the short 5 minutes allocated, two students leisurely take an enjoyable stroll through a corridor. Content in the presence of one another, their blissful happiness contrasts starkly with the stress weighing on all the other students around. It is indeed heart-warming to see such a fortunate couple being there for each other. With the power of this love, surely no obstacle or trial could stand in their way. 6N would-be romancers should look to this model couple for inspiration =)
Random pic of the day

People milling about in phys lab slacking during prac. mr chong quite cool, during prac come talk to me bout my hp camera and to lz bout SAF. me and chinny did our report quite slow. must be faster, else real spa cannot finish. then still need to must memorize summore =\
The one-shot side-plot filler

This is jameson. He has canoeing training later and is very tired. He decides to take a much-needed rest in homeroom.

This is a close-up shot of him. Observe how tired he is. Manly jameson trains everyday. SYF is 2 months b4 his competition and choir hasnt started learning yet lol. (p.s. somehow i think he looks abit like daniel ong in this shot)

Here comes wing chung. What is he doing?!? Omg in his uninhibited passion....**the rest of this narration is censored to keep this post PG** (jameson looks pained lol)
author's note: lol interesting pairing? nah this shall just be a 1-shot thing, dun think i'll expand on this angle in the main plot. wont be easy to get anymore of such pics anyway.
The Playground Series

gen and yt spinning on the black pearl

chinny and trish enjoying the moonlight

ys and wulei just sitting there <3>
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