heys, all of u should go talk to mr chong on msn. he's a cool guy. but uh, dun disturb him if he's busy haha. start off with an innocent phys question, then start chatting with him lolol. if ya havent seen lz's tag, he has a blog
here. guys who play dota check out this
pic lol. and amuse yourself with how his previous batch students treated him with this great
idea. he has a cell group blog
here, so i think he's christian oo. got a picture of his fiance
here! ok that's enough spying on him from me lol. later my phys test fail =( okies, on to photos from first 2 days of school!
chinny faster than me haha. but that's cos he only has 2 pics. i have 15! lolol now to spam...

cool guys! similiar pic to chinny's but mine's clearer aha! actually, about e same la. next time no need two phones take same pic lol.

girls looking good! plus extra tall wingchung aha. wanna be a girl too?

mr chong teaching occ circuits! my shutter speed too slow ): dun look like it's teaching. btw mr chong knows this blog! so i shant call him francis. yet.

chinny looking like he knows wad he's doing!

jameson looking like he dunno wad's going on =p

mr chong teaching another lost soul! is jameson teaching too? or just messing things up haha...

guys at dead place (oh no i forgot how to spell) lunch

girls at dead place lunch

guys playing fun-filled homojaleh! chinny dunno how to spell la u.

girls playing not-so-fun bridge. occ enjoys company of 3 gals!

chinny and trish sitting apart from chorale table. slow shutter speed fails to catch the shared moment.

chinny! looking wrong direction la u!

zann's hair

tricia's hair

guys playing mahjong at my house. look at wing's tiles! he keeps winning la...
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