The Handsome Guys!

The Pretty Girls!
okie so here are 2 pics of US on the first day of year 2!
sch started, some happy, some sad, well we get to see each other again! =)
yea, so first day was pretty slack, um maths lect then physics lab, wohoo new teacher, very cool la.. young, attached, plays dota, fun, loving.. so yea. then went to the collabarium to eat. well expected mostly charred food. so yea. indeed quite black. and unexpectedly dry. hahah thx to xy :P um. well we rushing for time also. but in the end hall packed so wells. went back to our home class to play homojale la! um quite fun! lz's and sc's complicated signal, resulting in negative scores.. ys's guessings.. haha close but not quite there. haha. xP keep trying.
AIR CON ROOMS! wohoo..
Cheers Everyone!
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