Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Ok it's my turn to make a post now. Happy New Year everyone and the best wishes in your endeavours.

before i get started, i would like to highlight again to rard the questions raised previously by ys: what does the number 897, and what's the fine print about? it's ok, you can tell me privately if you don't feel up to posting here =P


New year, same life. well, pretty much, anyway. since ORD, we are now officially out of the jurisdiction of the SAF, and our lives are pretty much our own (except for the ICT i'm already going for THIS year).

I've no job, I'm not studying, I'm not pursuing any active interest. I'm not on holiday, considering that I've just returned from one. And I'm not addicted to games. Strangely enough, I'm not bored. Life is what you make out of it.

Since my life is pretty boring, I'm not going to write about it here.

Instead, I'd like everyone who's free and has time on their hands to consider looking at their life, their memories, and get their minds in order. Consider your mentality and mindset, your thoughts and philosophy, maybe rethink it. Look at yourself in your entirety, your past, your present. Maybe go out and learn more about life itself, all the way until you are perfectly untroubled by most matters. Or until you run out of free time. Learn to accept.

All these years since adolescence and maturity, we've all found ourselves (or at least, I have) caught up in daily commitments: schooling, family, army. Such day-to-day worries and commitments caught us up in the heat of the moment, leaving us breathless without a pause to rest. Any breaks were used for rest and recreation. Then, we were taught to think about thinking (metacognition), but rarely did I find myself thinking about my own mindset. Now's the time. After twenty years of learning about the world, it's time to learn more about yourself. After two decades, if you haven't found out where you're going in life, perhaps it's time to.

Knowledge is gained by schooling, experience is gained by killing creeps. But how is wisdom gained? Certainly not by listening to me. Words of wisdom are pieces of knowledge, nothing more. Wisdom is gained by truly listening to yourself, although a certain degree of arrogance is gained as well from pursuing that path.

The above is an example of what happens when you think too much. You start rambling, but you remain content and feel perfectly at ease. Hurrah.

PS it has been empirically proven that playing slark does NOT cause the team to lose.

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