Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Upcoming meteor showers

ok random matters first before i proceed to the above-mentioned topic.

Firstly, i'm damn high and happy now that my 'sister' is back from chicago! One year since i last saw her le.

Secondly, i'm free for a week cuz i can't go back to my camp. it's quarantined off cuz of a confirmed h1n1 case inside. shan't say more cuz i dunno if this is classified or not.

Now back to my favorite topic - astronomy. Half the year has gone, and many meteor showers have gone by, from weak ones like delta velids to strong ones like quadrantids. but there're plenty more to come! Nobody will bother about weak ones, so here's a list of upcoming strong showers.

Perseids - With a zenithal hourly rate(zhr) of about 90, it's a great shower. except that this year, it could be even better! Astronomers predict that this year's activity could peak unusually at 116, like last year. This hasn't exactly been explained yet.
Peak date: 12 august

Orionids - Not a very strong shower normally, but it's nearing its 12 year cycle of unusual peaks and this year could be it! usual peak is 20 per hour, but it could go up to 30 this year.
Peak date: 21 october

Geminids - Probably the finest, and the most reliable meteor shower. With a consistent zhr of 120, it's a feast for the eyes. but i kinda watched this too many times le. The last time round with xy and jasper.
Peak date: 14 december

Quadrantids - Another 120 zhr meteor shower, this one's next year so i'm not sure when the peak date is.
Peak date: 1-5 january 2010

lalala i suddenly got urge to view meteor showers, which is why i'm posting this. lol


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