Friday, May 22, 2009

Girl review

Ok i meant to give an overall review on the visits, but since gerard asked for a review on the girls involved, why not do it? So i mashed the 2 reviews together, and here it is.

Ok the visits and girls i'm talking about have been mentioned before(if you dunno, just scroll down to the blog entry titled 'visits'). They are the visits to our camp by the entire CJC j1 cohort, as well as 600 trainee teachers from NIE.

Before i start, i would like to thank CJC(esp the girls) and NIE for their attendance. I earned 4 days off because of you guys. A big THANK YOU! ok before u guys think i'm a perv or something i thank the cj girls esp because of all the screams and noises they made in reaction to our mock intrusion display. That convinced our OC that we had put up a very good performance and helped us with the 4 days. Which means i have 18 days off now. yeah.

So to those who think that the 4 days came easy, allow me to say that it was hard work ok. Waking up early in the morning to set things up by 7 am is no joke. Machine guns, assault rifles and grenade launchers had to be drawn for the shooting gallery, equipment weighing 80kg had to be brought up the stairs for the static display segment. But all in all, it was great seeing the delighted faces of our visitors, who came in 2 waves, 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, for both days.

Which brings me to something i observed. Wave 2(afternnon waves) always has prettier and cuter girls. serious. For CJC, i was wondering how a school known for high pregnancy rates can have an assortment of girls who are only about average looking after seeing the first group. That is, until the 2nd wave came. That group had some pretty ones, alot of cute ones, some average ones and a few crap ones. Holy shit. How often do you ever get such percentages?

As for NIE, the percentages of pretty ones among girls were roughly the same for both waves. However, wave 2 consisted of like 95% females. Don't ask me why, i don't know why either. So small percentage still churned out quite a number of them =)

So looks wise, how would i rate the girls from both institutions? CJC 7.5/10 NIE 1.5/10

yup. but if all you care about are looks, you are one shallow freak. so let's look at other characteristics. CJC first. CJC girls are really cute and bubbly. kinda reminds me of trish. Some are really daring(oh machine gun! let me try it!), while alot of them are rather shy(hey you fired the gun yet? no? wanna try? come on, it's a once in a lifetime experience for you. Come? hey just come lah, it won't hurt, i promise. come on...). Most of them are very short(a girl named elizabeth looked shorter than 1.5m, while another, debra, looks 1.55). They scream and shriek alot, and love to spam camo cream on their friends(reminds me of what gen and gang did to me at gerard's house).

As for NIE, i would say they're alot more mature. Most are more sporting, and willingly try things out. They ask more questions and listen to you more attentively when you explain things to them. More professional, i would put it. And they are pretty tall. I didn't ask for their names(unlike CJ, lol), so i can't give examples. yup.

Ok with that, i leave you with a few interesting things and quotes i got from the visits.

1. Machine guns give off a one-time-only invisible shockwave on JC ppl. The first time the machine gun fired off, all the CJC ppl took a few steps back in recoil. yes, ALL of them.

2. Dogs perform much better to cheers. CJ ppl didn't realise(during our mock intrusion display) that our canine had been unleashed and was charging at the intruder, so the dog ran really really slowly, like taking a stroll in the park like that, as if waiting for a response. NIE, who were cheering the dog even before it was unleashed, saw the dog sprint at a speed i never saw before in all the rehearsals.

now the quotes.

1."Wah, this is even better than CJ food." random cjc guy, refering to the combat rations. wow.

2."Why don't you look up your own skirt?" a cjc girl's response to her friend, who was holding a portable camera system used to search cars, after she told her she could see her face on the screen.

3."Did i hit the target?" a very excited cjc girl, asking after she had fired the SAR21 with M203 attachment. We were firing BLANKS, btw.

4. To those who are wondering how the conversation went on for 2 and 3, here it is. For 2, which happened in front of me(i was the one who passed them the camera system), there was damn awkward silence right after that cuz i blanked out and dunno what to say. I ended the silence in the end by asking if they're done with it.

For 3, which happened to my friend beside me, it went
"Did i hit the target?" silence for a while, clearly stunned by the question.
"Are you sure?"
"Ok! Thanks!" Turning to her group of friends, "Hey, i hit the target leh... ..."
I'm seriously wondering who's gonna burst her bubble, seeing that she's so happy and excited. well done lah, my friend.

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