Sunday, January 14, 2007


from my unit on the 21st floor, e window in my room gives me a really nice view of the city. it faces the south, so i assume it's the city. many tall buildings haha. the view is really nice, but i like it even better at night. it's just really pretty how all the lights are scattered throughout the landscape. but what i really enjoy looking at more than the buildings is the traffic. the PIE is right below, so from all the way to the left to all the way to the right (and vice versa), there's an endless flow of traffic. even at 3am in the morning. i like to just sit in front of my window and look at the cars go by in the middle of the night. and i wonder, what are each of these drivers doing driving around at such a time. it's a really unique feeling, sitting here above all these, alone and unmoving, and watching all these pple going about their lives and scurrying to and fro like little ants. i can really just stay and gaze at this sight for an hour and not get bored. and there's also the sun. sunrise and sunset. i dun usually have chances to catch the sunrise, so i cant comment on that. but the sunset...the sun sets to the right of my window, way to the right, just before the 180 degree mark, so the rays of the sunset shines into my room at an angle that illuminates just my pc. those of u who have been to my room should be able to visualise this. and i really like my room as a spot to see the sun set. sometimes, it's a really beautiful orange and pink colour. and it gives the sky a really out-of-this-world kinda tone feel. but i spend more time at night, so let's go back to the night. for some reason, i never see the moon. if u wanna talk about stars, usually it's only those moving blinking lights known as planes. but i really like the night. it's a totally different atmosphere. i like walking around streets at night. it's a lot quieter, and there's much less pple. i feel like i'm alone in this world, and i can just wander about indulging in the silent appreciation of the night life. on top of which, there's no cruel sun to beat down upon you. the walk from serangoon mrt to av's house is one of my most enjoyable routes. i tried taking some night shots of my window's view from my hp, but it dint turn out well cos there's not enough light. but i shall put it up anyway. oh, and i'm too lazy right now to paragraph this so i apologize for tt (:

day view

night view


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